Types and Goals of Psychology | Psychology Lectures in Urdu / Hindi | Lecture 2

Types and Goals of Psychology | Psychology Lectures in Urdu / Hindi | Lecture 2

In this lecture we are going to discuss Types and Goals of Psychology in URDU Hindi | Introduction to Psychology BBA104 | PSY101 short lectures. In this Types and Goals of Psychology lecture we will cover all course outline topics through online lectures including concept of Types and Goals of Psychology .Types and Goals of Psychology notes notes and handouts are available at theiteducation.com. If you are facing difficulties in the development of Types and Goals of Psychology  assignments and their quizlet feel free to contact us on 03096055938 WhatsApp for free and paid couching services and assignments.

The Topics which are covered in this lecture are | Types and Goals of Psychology

What is psychology?

Goals of Psychology

Psychology is a science

Major types of Psychology

Clinical Psychology

Major types of Clinical Psychology

What is psychology?

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behaviorPsychology is a multidimensional discipline and includes many sub-fields of study such areas as human development, sports, health, clinical, social behavior and intellectual processes.

•The aim of psychology is to understand, explain, and predict the thought, emotion, and the behavior of man. It is also applied in our daily lives and in many things.

Goals of Psychology

•To understand the nature and mechanisms of behavior and mental processes •To develop an understanding of the relationship between behavior and mental processes

•To apply this understanding to real life situations and, on the basis of this understanding, predict for the future To employ the scientific approach for developing this understanding

In short, the main goals of psychology are:

•a)  Observation,

•b)  Description,

•c)  Understanding,

•d)  Explanation,

•e)  Prediction, and

•f)  Control of human behavior and mental processes.

Psychology is a science

•It employs the scientific method for gathering knowledge and information. It uses scientific procedure that is essential to be adopted in order to carry out psychological research; otherwise the research will not be considered authentic, reliable, or scientifically valuable.

“Scientific method is a systematic and organized series of steps that scientists adopt for exploring any phenomenon in order to obtain accurate and consistent results. These steps involve observation, description, control, and replication”.

Remember! Science does not deal with the supernatural :A number of people commonly believe, and they did more so in olden times, that the evil spirits, demons, or ghosts are the root cause of mental illness. Therefore, for them, psychology may be the approach that can free man of the supernatural possessions, which is a wrong belief.

Major types of Psychology

•Clinical psychology

•Cognitive psychology

•Developmental psychology

•Evolutionary psychology

•Forensic psychology

•Health psychology


•Occupational psychology

Clinical Psychology

•A branch of psychology concerned with the study, diagnosis, and treatment of abnormal behavior. It is the oldest as well as the most well known branch of psychology.

•Clinical psychologists are trained to diagnose and treat problems ranging from the every day crises of life such as grief due to the death of a loved one, to more extreme conditions.

•Some clinical psychologists also conduct research, investigating issues that range from identifying the early signs of psychological disturbance, and studying the relationship between how family members communicate with one another, to the understanding of a wide variety of psychological disorders.

Major types of Clinical Psychology

Industrial / Organizational Psychology

•A branch of psychology that studies the psychology in action at the workplace, including productivity, job satisfaction, and decision-making. •Health Psychology

•The branch of psychology that explores the relationship of psychological factors and physical illnesses or disease e.g. Health psychologists are interested in how the long- term stress (a psychological factor) can affect physical health.

Consumer Psychology •A branch of psychology that studies and explains our buying habits and our effects of advertising a buying behavior. Mainly dealt with the likes and dislikes and preferences of people.

Environmental Psychology •A branch of psychology, that focuses upon the relationship between people and their physical environment. It is one of the newly emerging, and in-demand, areas of psychology. Environmental psychologists have made significant progress in understanding how our physical environment affects the way we behave toward others, our emotions, and how much stress we experience in a particular setting.

Sport Psychology •The branch of psychology, that studies the psychological variables that have an impact upon the sportspersons’ performance; e.g. how stress can affect sport performance, how morale can be boosted, the role of self-concept and esteem, the impact of crowd behavior etc.   

Forensic Psychology •The branch of psychology that investigates legal issues and psychological variables involved in criminal  behavior ; e.g. what factors determine criminal tendencies, how criminals be reformed,  deciding what criteria indicate that a person is legally insane, and whether larger and smaller juries make fairer decisions.

Types and Goals of Psychology | Psychology Lectures in Urdu / Hindi | Lecture 2

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Author: A.J. Bhatti