150+ General Knowledge MCQs with Answers 2021 – Most Unleashed

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General Knowledge Topic Wise Mcqs

1. PPSC General Knowledge Past Papers 2. Topic Religions of the World
3. Topic Famous Airlines of the World 4. Land Locked Countries of the World
5. Empires & Dynasties of the World 6. Topic Worlds Airports
7. Annual Days of the World / Weeks 8. Distinctive Names of Countries & Cities
9. Topic World Famous Battles 10. Topic World Countries MCQs
11. Topic World Famous Lines MCQs 12. Topic World Parliaments Names MCQs
13. Topic Countries Old Names MCQs 14. Topic World Secret Agencies MCQs
15. Topic World ISLANDS & PENINSULAS MCQs 16. Topic GULF & BAYS MCQs
17. Topic General Geography MCQs 18. Topic World Deserts & Plains MCQs
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150+ General Knowledge MCQs with Answers 2021 – Most Unleashed

Today again we are with 150 Plus general knowledge MCQs with answers 2021.

1. Charge on Neutron? → ANS  (Neutral)

2. Current flow means?  → ANS  (Flow of electron)

3. Freezing point of Water? → ANS   (0C)

4. When Muslim league comes into being?  → ANS  (1906)

5. The first president of Pakistan Muslim League?  → ANS  Khaliquzzaman (1949)

6. Which melts at room temperature?  → ANS  Mercury

7. Who is the chairman of Senate of Pakistan?  → ANS  Sadiq Sanjrani

8. Who is Saudi King?  → ANS  Salman Ben Abdul Aziz

9. Who put martial law in 1977?  → ANS  Zia ul Haq

10. Who abrogated constitution in 1958 and put martial law?  → ANS  Sikandar Mirza

11. Who is chancellor of Germany?  → ANS  Angela Markel

12. Second prime minister of Pakistan?  → ANS  Nazim uddin

13. Who murdered Hazrat Ali R.A?  → ANS  Abdal-Rahman ibn Muljam

14. Zakat obliged in?   → ANS  2 hijri

15. Battle of Trench?  → ANS  5 Hijri

16. Australia Capital?  → ANS  Canberra

17. Who accompanied in Hijrat to Hazrat Muhammat PBUH?  → ANS  Hazrat Abu Bakar

18. Evolution means?  → ANS  Continuous

19. Zamzam means?  → ANS  Stop flowing

20. After one unit in 1955 who become Chief Minister of West Pakistan?  → ANS  KhanSahib(Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan)

21. Simon Commission report in the year of?  → ANS  1930

22. Capital change to Delhi from Calcutta in?  → ANS  1911

23. Indus Basin Treaty?  → ANS  1960

24. Sheetan ko pebble Kaha many?  → ANS  Muzdalfa

25. ILO? International Labour Organization

26. Kashgar is in?  → ANS  China

27. Pakistan and China connect with?  → ANS  Khunjerab Pass

28. Hormuz lies between?  → ANS  The Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf

29. Who abolished one unit?  → ANS  Yahya Khan

30. Jaliawala Bagh Massacre at?  → ANS  Amritsar 1919

31. Which is landlocked country?  → ANS  Nepal

32. New name of Burma?  → ANS  Myanmar

33. Thickest layer of the earth?  → ANS  Mantle

34. CNG?  → ANS  Compressed Natural Gas

35. Quran Pak completed in?  → ANS  23 years

36. Janat UI Baqi?  → ANS  Madina

37. Diamond is the form of?  → ANS  Carbon

38. 1st constitution assembly dissolved by?  → ANS  Governor General Malik Ghulam Muhammad

39. Montague Chelmsford reforms?  → ANS  1919

40. Blood is cleaned by?  → ANS  Kidney

41. Baqrah surah means?  → ANS  Cow

42. Animals Who kill other for food is called?  → ANS  Predator

43. SAARC has  → ANS  8 members.

44. Compilation of Quran into a book:  → ANS  Hazrat Abu Bakar

45. 8th Amendment in the constitution:  → ANS  Zia-ul-Haq

46. First Commoner-In-Cheif:  → ANS  General mersery

47. Governor General of State bank of Pakistan:  → ANS  Dr. Reza Baqir

48. 2nd Governor General of Pakistan:  → ANS  Nazimun din

49. Daughter’s of Muhammad (PBUH):  → ANS  4

50. Mycology is a study of:  → ANS  Fungi

51. Surah without Bismillah:  → ANS   Surah Touba

52. President of Iran:  → ANS  Hassan Rohani

53. Current Unit:  → ANS  Ampere

54. Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations:  → ANS   Muneer Akram

55. Iraqi President: → ANS  Barham Salih

56. Light year is measured: → ANS distance

57. Simla deputation presented the memorial in front of Viceroy→ ANS  Lord Minto

58. Fateh Makkah. → ANS  8th Hijri

59. Pakistan area: → ANS 796,095 km² (excluding kashmir and GB)

60. Egypt is situated in → ANS  Africa

61. Suez Chanel: → ANS Connects red sea to Mediterranean

62. 1909 reforms → ANS Minto Morely

63. Carrot source of → ANS  vitamin A

64. Vitamin A deficiency cause → ANS night blindness

65. Light year unit of → ANS length

66. Sun is a → ANS  Star

67. Zunurain: → ANS Usman R.A

68. The event of Miraj → ANS 10 Nabvi

69. Prophet PBUH died → ANS  8 June 632 AD

70. Study of fungi  → ANS  mycology

71. Material Used in pencil  → ANS  graphite

72. Ozone prevents  → ANS  Ultra Violet  rays

73. 1973 constitution became effective on  → ANS  14th August

74. First marshal law  → ANS  7th oct 1958

75. One unit  → ANS   22 November 1954

76. All India Muslim League founded in  → ANS   Dhaka

77. Annulment of Bengal partition in  → ANS   1911

78. Cabinet palm had  → ANS    3 members

79. Second government general of PAKISTAN  → ANS   Khawja Namzim uddin

80. Plants intake O2 and produce CO2  → ANS   at night

81. Al Aqsa mosque  → ANS   Jerusalem

82. Us states  → ANS   50

83. Egypt in  → ANS   Africa

84. NATO stand for  → ANS    North Atlantic Treaty Org

85. Without bismillah  → ANS   surah Tauba

86. NWFP became province under  → ANS   British rule 1901

87. Hazrat Khadija took Muhammad PBUH to;  → ANS   Warqa Bin Naufl

88. 1st compilation of Quran;  → ANS   Hazrat Abu-Bakar RA

89. Zunnorain;  → ANS   Hazrat Usman RA

90. Miraj incident;  → ANS   10th Nabwi

91. Al-Aqsa mosque;  → ANS   Jerusalem

92. Al Aqasa moseque is in bait-ul-muqdas old city of  → ANS   Jeruselum.

93. Quran PAK converted into a book in the era of  → ANS  Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique.

94. 8th Amendment in constitution Is ian the era of Gen. → ANS   

 Ziaulhaq in 1985 and excessively used by president Ghulam Ishaq khan.

95. First commander IN chief of Pakistan  → ANS   frank misservy.

96. Heptagon has  → ANS   seven sides.

97. Scalene Triangle:  → ANS   No equal sides, No equal angles

98. First marshal law  → ANS   7thoct 1958.

99. Partition of Bengal was on  → ANS   1911.

100. The freezing point of water is  → ANS   32f.

101. Distillation → ANS  the process  through which salt is removed from the water.

102. Meteorology is the scientific study of the  → ANS   atmosphere.

103. Red, green and blue are  → ANS   primary colures.

104. Electrons revolve around;  → ANS   Nucleus

105. Battery; converts chemical to  → ANS   electrical

106. Universal donor;  → ANS  O negative

107. Plants intake/out-take at night;  → ANS  Oxygen/Carbon dioxide

108. Laughing gas;  → ANS  Nitrous Oxide

109. Freezing point of Water; → ANS   32F

110. Pencil;  → ANS  Graphite

111. Light-year;  → ANS  Length/distance

112. Spider;  → ANS  8 legs

113. Bronze is an alloy of;  → ANS  Cu- Tin

114. Meteorology;  → ANS  Study of atmosphere

115. Unit of current;  → ANS  Ampere

116. Franc’s President→ ANS  Emmanuel Macron

117. Turkey’s President→ ANS  Tayyib Erdoğan

118. Iran’s President→ ANS  Hassan Rouhani

119. Unit of Current→ ANS  Ampere

120. Sound can’t travel through  → ANS  vacuum.

121. Chemical to electricity is-Battery

122. Suez Canal Connects  → ANS  Red Sea+ Mediterranean sea

123. 1st revelation took place in-610 AD

124. Lucknow pact was between → ANS  Muslim + Congress.

125. Freezing point of water is → ANS  0 degree.

126. Electrons revolve around → ANS  Nucleus.

127. Ozone protects- → ANS  UV Rays.

128. One unit was → ANS  initiated on 22th Nov & took place on-14th Oct, 1955.

129. KPK was constituted to become a province by British in→ ANS  1946

130. Location of genes in body → ANS  DNA

131. NO of poles in magnet → ANS  2

132. Opposite charge → ANS Attracts

133. Charge is store  → ANS   Capacitor

134. For survival of species → ANS  reproduction is necessary

135. Study of medicine manufacturing is called → ANS pharmacy

136. Saifullah is tittle of which sahabi → ANS Khalid bin Waleed R.A

137. Who translated Quran from Arabic into Persian → ANS  Shah Waliullah

138. Basic belief in Islam → ANS  5

139. All india Muslim league was founded in → ANS  Dhaka

140. Quaid-e-Azam delivered 14 points in → ANS  1929

141. Last Viceroy of India → ANS Lord mount batten

142. Capital of Nepal → ANS   Katmandu

143. What is Moon? → ANS  Satellite

144. Current flow means→ ANS   Flow of electron

145. Who abrogated constitution in1958 and put martial law → ANS  Sikandar  Mirza

146. Who is chancellor of Germany? Angela Markel

147. Who murdered Hazrat Ali R.A → ANS  Abdal-Rahman ibn Muljam

148. Battle of Trench → ANS 5Hijri

149. Australia Capital → ANS  Canbera

150. after one unit in1955 who become Chief Minister of West Pakistan → ANS  Dr .Khan Sahib

*20 GK MCQs Of The Day*

1. Globe is a small model or sample of the..??

A. Map

B. *Earth*✓✓

C. Moon

2. ____ is an imaginary line which divides the Earth into two equal parts..??

A. Circle

B. Earth

C. *Equator*✓✓

3. ____ is drawn on paper..??

A. Globe

B. *Map*✓✓

C. None

4. ____ is the model of Earth..??

A. Map

B. *Globe*✓✓

C. Moon

5. ____ in a Map is given for identification of different symbols..??

A. *Index*✓✓

B. Title

C. Directions

6. ____ is the important part of a Map..??

A. Index

B. *Title*✓✓

C. None

7. 0° Longitude is known as..??

A. Meridian

B. *Prime Meridian*✓✓

C. None

8. Longitude are divided into _ degree..??

A. 90

B. 180

C. *360*✓✓

9. International Date line is located at __ degree longitude..??

A. 90

B. *180*✓✓

C. 360

10. Imaginary line drawn from North to South on the Globe is Called..??

A. Latitude

B. *Longitude*✓✓

C. Both a&b

11. Imaginary line drawn from East to West on the Globe is Called..??

A. *Latitude*✓✓

B. Longitude

C. Both a&b

12. Latitude are divided into _ degree..??

A. 90

B. *180*✓✓

C. 360

13. __ is located at 0 degree latitude..??

A. *Equator*✓✓

B. Longitude

C. Line

14. All over the world the fixation of time is done with respect to 0° _ ??

A. Latitude

B. *Longitude*✓✓

C. None

15. 0° Longitude is pass through __..??

A. East

B. *Greenwich*✓✓

C. None

D. West

16. Where is Greenwich located..??

A. England

B. *UK*✓✓


17. GMT stands for..??

A. Globe Main time

B. Green Multi time

C. *Greenwich Mean Time*✓✓

18. Pakistan is located in ____ from Greenwich ..??

A. South

B. North

C. *East*✓✓

19. A _ is surrounded from three sides by Ocean..??

A. Islands

B. *Continent*✓✓

C. Gulf

D. Country

20. Which continent is the biggest Continent of the world..??

A. Africa

B. Europe

C. *Asia*✓✓

Author: Habibullah Qamar

Its me Habib Ullah Qamar working as a Lecturer (Computer Sciences) in Pakistan. I have an MS(M.Phil) degree in computer sciences with specialization in software engineering from Virtual University of Pakistan Lahore. I have an experience of more than 15 years in the filed of Computer Science as a teacher. Blog Writing is my passion. I have many blogs, This one is special made with the aim of providing 100% Free online coaching and training to the students of under-graduate and postgraduate classes. Most of the students enrolled in computer sciences, information technology, software engineering and related disciplines find it difficult to understand core concepts of programming and office automation. They find difficult in understanding and solving their assignments.