This is the Everyday Science Test / Quiz or questions which will be helpful for the preparation of Election Officer.
Everyday Science Test /Quiz MCQ’s Questions with Answers
Q NO: Which type of Uranium is used in the fission process
(b) Uranium-235
Q NO: The large plates of solar panels are painted
(c) Black
Everyday Science Test /Quiz MCQ’s Questions with Answers | Q NO : Bio gas is the common name of
(a) Natural gas
Q NO: One thousand watt power is called as
(c) 1.0 kilowatt
Q NO: The meter installed in our homes measure electricity in
(b) KWh
Q NO: One kilowatt-hour is the amount of electrical energy that is consumed appliance in
(c) 1 hour
Q NO: According to the definition of 1 KWh, a 100 watt bulb consumes one unit of electricity in
(c) 10 hours
Q NO: Units of electricity consumed by 2500 watt air-conditioner in one hour are
(c) 2.5 Units
Q NO: In the electricity meter, the digit to the extreme right is
(b) 1/10th of the Unit
Q NO: In which system of units, gas bills are charged
(c) BTU
Q NO: Air contains volume of carbon dioxide approximately
(c) 0.03%
Q NO: The gases which are used by divers as an artificial atmosphere are helium and;
(b) Oxygen
Moreover Election Officer Test Syllabus 2020 has been issued by a press release by Election Commission. Similarly Election Officer Test Preparation for Jobs 2020 has been started online. Election Commission of Pakistan has issued a press release about the Election Officer jobs 2020 syllabus on 22 December 2020 then. However Election Officer Grade 17 jobs was announced in public newspapers bye Election Commission of Pakistan in May 2020. Due to pandemic coronavirus job examination and selection test was postponed. Election commission has finalized the test date. Test will be conducted on 07-March-2021.
Election Officer Preparation |Everyday Science Test /Quiz MCQ’s Questions with Answers
Election Officer Test Syllabus 2020 has been issued by a press release by Election Commission. However Election Officer Test Preparation has been started on our paid members areas. As per the Election Commission of Pakistan has issued a press release about the Election Officer jobs 2020 syllabus on 22 December 2020, 10% Mcqs will be from Solved MCQs on Everyday Science. Here are 100+ Solved MCQs on Everyday Science. This time election commission of Pakistan has changed the syllabus and pattern of exam as previously conducted pattern in Election Officer past papers. Moreover Election Commission of Pakistan has also not announced Election Officer test dates 2020 yet but they have advised the aspirants of Election Officer jobs 2020 to regularly visit website of election commission of Pakistan about the information of test date and the examination center about Election Officer test too.
Election Officer Test Syllabus and Preparation 2020 Jobs
Election Officer Jobs Paper Pattern
A written paper including 100 MCQs from above mentioned syllabus will be conducted. Therefore, Total allotted time for the Election Officerexamtest would be 1.30 Hours. It is same as PPSC conduct the test. Still no information about the Selection Criteria and Merit and negative marketing. At last, the merit will be set.