WhatsApp new update has been postponed by the authorities. The date for sharing of WhatsApp data with Facebook and its companies is extended from 8 February 2021 to may 2021 now. This decision has been made in the wide interest and due to concerns of more than 2 million subscribers of WhatsApp is there shifting from WhatsApp two other its alternative apps like Telegram that signal. In last week 200 million subscribers has joined Telegram app. WhatsApp new policy stated that the data of a person will be shared with Facebook marketing. The subscribers were given this update to which they are bound to agree are they will be informed that their they cannot use WhatsApp from its February 2021.
WhatsApp has extended the deadline by which its two billion users must either accept its updated terms and conditions or stop using the service. (BBC NEWS)
The original cut-off date was 8 February, but users now have until 15 May to take action.
The firm was criticised for sending the notification, which seemed to suggest changes to the data it would share with its parent company Facebook.
It said there had been “confusion” about its message.