What is Google SEO | Types of Traffic in SEO | Google SEO How to Learn

types of google SEO How to learn What is Google SEO

In the second tutorial of Google SEO how to learn we are going to discuss the types of traffic in SEO and also the main ingredients of SEO so that we can easily learn what Google SEO is…

What is SEO and Types of SEO Lecture 1Types of Traffic in SEO Lecture No 2
Types of Keyword in SEO + Ingredients of SEO
What is Google SEO | Types of Traffic in SEO | Google SEO How to Learn

There are basically two types of traffic in SEO which we must learn if we want to learn What is Google SEO

What is Traffic in SEO | Google SEO how to Learn

The Term Traffic is referred to the number of visitors / People who visit or Land on your Website / Blog and the number of pages and posts they click. In simple words traffic is referred to number of people who comes and visit to your site and the number of pages post they have clicked while visiting on your site.

If 100 people visits to your site or land on your Website and clicked on more then or upto 10 pages or posts then it means your website traffic is 100 * 10 = 1000 …. 100 people with 10 post and page clicks means 1000 views.

There are different Types of traffic which is are necessary to understand What is SEO and to Learn What is Google SEO

These Five Types of traffics are

1: Direct Traffic

2: Organic Traffic

3: Referral Traffic

4: Social Traffic

5: Email Traffic

6: Display Traffic

7: Paid Traffic.

Direct Traffic in SEO | What is Google SEO

Direct traffic is referred to traffic which is directly comes to your website and Blog. The direct traffic are the visitors who visits the site without using search engine and by typing the URL of the website directly in the browser. Moreover traffic which comes by clicking the link in any article or in pdf and also by clicking on book marks is also referred to or known as Direct Traffic.

Everybody have his her favorite sites .Everybody is visiting some blogs or websites every day for the purpose of entertainment and online shopping so by cause of continuously visiting on our favorite specific websites we just learn or know accurately that How we can land on our favorite site accurately by putting the exact link of that website in the Browser. For example www.facebook.com , gooogle.com , www.youtube.com.

What is Google SEO  | Types of Traffic in SEO | Google SEO How to Learn
What is Google SEO | Types of Traffic in SEO | Google SEO How to Learn

Organic Traffic in SEO | Google SEO How to learn

The term organic traffic is referred to the traffic which is earned genuinely without using any helping material and sources. Like in simple and more precise word organic traffic is the traffic which is earned by the quality of your content and services but not be paid. Moreover organic traffic is the traffic which is earned / Received not paid.

Go to the Search Engine Google , Bing and write your keyword as well as topic which you want to search so when you click on Search button the search engine bring and show you several result. Similarly After Searching the keyword or topic Search Engine will show you 10 results in these 10 results you will notice that the First four results are ads. However after the Ads all the results are genuine.

What is Google SEO | Types of Traffic in SEO | Google SEO How to Learn

 If you visit and Clicked on the Ad result it means it’s a paid traffic and the Advertiser of this content got paid traffic.

Similarly if you clicked on the link shown after the ad results it means the Content Creator got the genuine traffic as well as earned that traffic without any helping means or without paying to the search engine.

What is Google SEO  | Types of Traffic in SEO | Google SEO How to Learn
What is Google SEO | Types of Traffic in SEO | Google SEO How to Learn

Referral Traffic in SEO | Learn Google SEO How to Learn

Referral traffic is the traffic which is referred by others. If you want to go to some destination in the short time and you haven’t any idea about the roads condition and shortcuts so what you can do ? You will ask Google map or some who know the best shortcut way and then your friend will referred you the best shortcut. Moreover while talking to your friends and cousins your friend referred you a specific restaurant which provides some delicious food, some shopping brand which give a lot of Flat discounts and even online shopping store which is providing quality stuff on cheap rates without doing any hanky binky

Same scenario is implemented over here there are many information related websites , blogs , articles which are using this referral policy

In an article Quora you can see after reading a Read More link when you click on that link you will land on the website which Quora referred or suggests to you that if you want to learn more then you should visit this platform for better information. Moreover When any website has a referral Link / Page  of some other webpage then the second page or website will got the traffic which is referred  by the first page.

Your Website Pages and Articles which are linked to some other credible websites for the purpose of traffic will boost your Website Ranking and this process in known as Back linking process which is basically the Backbone of SEO.

What is Google SEO  | Types of Traffic in SEO | Google SEO How to Learn
What is Google SEO | Types of Traffic in SEO | Google SEO How to Learn

Social Traffic in SEO | Learn What is Google SEO

Social Traffic is the Term in SEO used to describe the visitors or traffic which are referred by the links on the social media.

However Social traffic is also same as the referral traffic in the referral traffic visitors are referred to the other websites from the information and news related blogs and websites. However In Social Traffic visitors are referred to other websites blogs from the Social Media Platforms.

These Social media Platforms includes Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, integral, YouTube etc.

Moreover most importantly if your company is running ads on these social media sites and getting all organic and paid traffic will considered in the same SOCIAL TRAFFIC Matric.

Email Traffic in SEO | Google SEO How to Learn

The term Email Traffic in SEO is referred to the traffic or visitors which a Blog  or Website get with the use of emails . A company Sent Emails to a number of users and in that email a company tells the user about its products and the benefits of its products and also the benefits of Companies Sites. So From these emails if some blog or website will got traffic then this process is called Email Traffic in SEO .

Moreover this Email Traffic or Email Advertising formula is workable and considered good because it is also the source of some unfair traffic by using black hats.

However Google and Other Search Engines as well as some well-known SEO Experts are strongly against this technique. So I Also recommend you to not use this technique for SEO or Google SEO How to Learn techniques.

Display Traffic in SEO | What is Google SEO

Display traffic is the term used to get visitors as well as traffic by displaying the Ads on different platforms as well as social media platforms.


Paid Traffic is the term which is used to send visitors to your website using search engine marketing as well as social media marketing. In other words it is the simple and easy way to send visitors as well as traffic to your website blogs by the use of Digital marketing.

It is so Easy you just have to pay Google for the advertisement of your content as well as you website. However after paying to the Google Now Google start advertising your content. Moreover the most Important and the most prominent Benefit of the Google or Search Engine Marketing is when someone try to search the content related to your content the Search Engine will show him your content or website first . However this is the simple and the easy way to get traffic on your website and blog

Moreover all these traffic or visitors which we get from paid digital marketing will denotes as PAID MARKETING.

IN-Organic Traffic   in SEO | Learn What is Google SEO

The IN-Organic traffic is referred to the traffic which we get by all the social meadia platforms other websites etc . the traffic which is not come from the search engine as well as directly is known as In ORGANIC Traffic . The main source of Inorganic traffic are Social Media sources and other Digital Marketing Sources

Author: A.J. Bhatti