All steps of Google SEO How to Learn and Easy Steps to Learn What is Google SEO ? are discussed in this post In this Post we are going to discuss how to do seo for website step by step as well as how to do seo for google step by step. Similarly Now you are able to learn seo online free step-by-step for google as well as youtube and for your Website / Blog etc.
Firstly we will discuss
What is SEO ? What its really means when someone is talking about or using the Term Google SEO ?
The abbreviation of SEO or SEO full form is Search Engine Optimization and the real personification of the term and definition of SEO is
The steps taken by someone to improve the quality of his her content. Similarly these are the steps which is taken to improve / enhance the quality of the content placed in online world of information. However the main benefit and the most appropriate definition of SEO in our indigenous world is The term SEO referred to the steps which are taken to improve the quality as well as the quantity of genuine traffic on any content placed in the online world of information.
Secondly now we will discuss the types of SEO | seo full form
Types of SEO | Google SEO How to Learn | What is SEO Writing
After discussing the definition of SEO and SEO full form now we are going to discuss three main domains as well as three main types of SEO
Three Main Types of SEO are :
1: Google SEO
2: Website / Blog SEO
3: Youtube SEO
What is SEO and How it Works for Google | What is Google SEO | SEO tutorial
As we have discussed earlier the term SEO that SEO is the process which ranks your content as well as improves / increases the quality of your content article blog and also the magnitude / quantity of genuine traffic on your content. Moreover Now it will become more easier to understand
Like In Google Search Engine SEO we took the steps to rank our content so that if someone can search with the topic of our content the search engine will take anybody to our content.
In other words to make you content better for the search engine and to enhance the quality of your content as much as you can so that the Search Engine become forced and compelled to Rank as well as recognize your content .
What is GOOGLE SEO? | SEO Ranking | Google SEO How to Learn
Google SEO is the method / process of making and increasing the quality / class / worth of your content and also advances / expands the genuine traffic on your Content / Articles placed on any platform in the online Information World using Search Engine.
Moreover it’s basically the way or map which you made to tell the address of your content to search engine. Like a bus or bus stop while riding a bus the driver should know the destination and if the bus stop have a proper recognition and have a good image about the quality of that bus company services then definitely People as well as Bus Station will prefer that BUS Company. So In the End The Bus Company will get good traffic as well as trying to improve its quality. However when someone comes to Bus Station and asked for the good services then the BUS STOP will definitely refer that person the BUS with good services.
Similarly Now Take a scenario of Google Search Engine
What is Search Engine? | How it Works | Google SEO How to Learn
Search Engine is basically like a Bus station where every bus for everywhere is available and if someone wants to go anywhere he will go to the BUS Station. Similarly Like Bus Station the Search Engine Have also the same function which brings someone to his her required destination when someone consult with the Search Engine.
Like How Search Engine Will take me to My Destination or my Required Content
Remember the above mention Bus Station Example if someone wants to go in any destination he will comes to the bus station because only Bus Station knows which Bus is standing where and is of which category. Similarly In Search Engine you will write the topic of the content which you want (Destination) and the Search Engine will search your required content and take you on that destination.
What is Search Engine Ranking | What is SEO Ranking | Google SEO How to Learn
Again we will discuss the above example of BUS STATION. However When Someone comes to the BUS Station and asked for GOOD and Quality Services to reach his her destination then the Bus Station will Show him the best Bus Company which take him to his her destination
Again same scenario when you comes to the Search Engine and ask search engine to show the best Content provider for your required Content .Then the Search Engine will show you more then 10 destination website which are ranked on 1st 2nd and 3rd position by the Search Engine according to the quality and quantity of your content. Obviously If you have a really good quality content then definitely you will get the good traffic and ranking.
Now you should better understand the above mention example and always remember it while understanding anything.
What is SEO in Youtube | YouTube SEO | Google SEO How to Learn
Similarly Now Lets talk about What is SEO in Youtube. What is SEO in youtube is one of the main and the most popular types of SEO.
There are usually three types of contents | What is SEO
VLOGS Video Logs
The content in the form of videos , films etc . Moreover the content which is audible as well as visible.
The content which is only audible not visible.
Articles Blogs
Articles / Blogs are the content which is only readable not audible. The Articles and blogs are the articles or notes which we are able to read on different newspapers and Websites.
Moreover YouTube SEO is the procedure or steps taken to improve enhance the quality / class of the video content or YouTube content and also to enhance / augment the quantity / number of real genuine traffic on the content placed on YouTube.
Like as we have discussed the ranking of Google Search Engine with the help of BUS STATION EXAMPLE . Moreover YOUTUBE Ranking and Search Engine Functions are also almost same as Google search engine functions
Again take the scenario of BUS STATION there are many BUS STATIONS in the city or country but there are also some big companies who have their own stations. Like A Multi National BUS Company with unprecedented services and customer care build their own Private BUS Station for their own service only like bullet train route and station. So when a BUS Company with its unprecedented services all over the world become more and more popular among the ordinary people then people who are addict to their services will become directly to the company’s own BUS STATION instead of the ordinary bus stations . However now take this scenario and implement on our SEO topic
If someone wants a social network or want to use social media network then he will directly write and land on the website directly without using the services of Search Engine .
Moreover If Someone wants his her question to be answered then he must visit QUORA and directly lan on Quora Home page
If someone want to do freelancing then he will directly land on
Because these companies have proved there qualities and become more and more famous in the World so that everyone know about these forums and falls directly on these websites.
To get Full command on GOOGLE SEO and Youtube SEO keep visiting these tutorial in the Next Tutorial we will discuss about the
What are the Types of Traffic? What is the Role of Traffic Types in SEO / Google SEO
The Ingredients of SEO? Why these Ingredients are Important for SEO / Google SEO
In this SEO tutorial we will discuss all the ingredients of SEO and in our next SEO step by step tutorials we will also discuss What is SEO in Youtube and what is Website and Blog SEO.