Soc-211 | SOC101 | Introduction to Sociology | Online Lectures | Short Notes

Introduction to sociology soc101 and soc211 pu and vu

Introduction to Sociology course is being taught in in many undergraduate disciplines in university of the Punjab and Virtual University of Pakistan. The list of undergraduate programs may include BS botany, BS zoology, BS mathematics, BS statistics, BS chemistry, BS applied psychology, BS Business Administration, BS economics, BS English, BS Social Work, BS political work , BS history, BS information technology, BS computer Sciences and BS management sciences.

We have made introduction to Sociology tutorial in Urdu and Hindi language. With the help of online lectures recorded in short videos and short notes and multimedia presentation, Mid term and final term preparations will be easy and fast. Student would get help to understand and prepare for mid term and final term examinations of introduction to Sociology.
This is an introductory course and tutorial for sociology and the contents of the course might be different in different undergraduate programs in different universities. Here we are discussing the most general topics of sociology which are listed here and will be the part of every syllabus being taught at introduction to Sociology subject in Pakistan and India.

We are also providing the recommended book for University of the Punjab students who are enrolled in introduction to Sociology subject in BS Business Administration. SOC-211 is the course code for the students of Punjab University. SOC101 is the course code for the students of Virtual University for the course introduction to Sociology. For Virtual University these online lectures would serve as SOC101 Short Lectures. These short lectures and short notes will provide the students of Virtual University and easy and fast Wait for midterm and final term preparations.

Course Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. What is sociology
  3. Sociology & other social sciences
  4. Sociology & Conmen sense/Stereotypes
  5. Key terms – Social Problem/Sociological Issues
  6. Origin & Development of Sociology
  7. Sociological Perspective
    A Structuralism
    i) Structural Functionalism
    ii) Social Conflict

B Social Action
iii. Symbolic Interactionism
C Feminism

  1. Culture
  2. What is culture?
  3. Elements of Culture
  4. Cultural Diversity
  5. Socialization
  6. Socialization & its importance
  7. Agents of Socialization
  8. Socialization through the life course
    4 i) C.H. Cooley
    ii) George Herbert Mead
  9. Social Interaction
  10. Social Structure
    i) Status
    ii) Status Set
    iii) Achieved & Ascribed
    iv) Master Status
    v) Role
    vi) Role Set
    vii) Role Conflict
    viii) Role Strain
    ix) Role Exit
  11. Theories of Social Interaction (Brief)
    i) Social Construction of Reality
    ii) Ethno methodology
    iii) Dramaturgy
  12. Groups & Organizations
  13. Types of Groups
  14. Leadership Styles
  15. Studies of Group Behaviour
  16. Formal Organization & its types.
  17. Bureaucracy & its Characteristics
  18. Deviance
    i) Deviance, Crime & Social Control
    ii) Types of Crime
    iii) Criminal Justice System.
    Recommended Books:
  19. Anderson, Margaret and Howard F. Taylor. (2001) Sociology the Essentials.
    Australia: Wadsworth.
  20. Brown, Ken. (2004). Sociology. UK: Polity Press
  21. Gidden, Anthony (2002). Introduction to Sociology. UK: Polity Press.
  22. Macionis, John J. (2006). Sociology. 10th ed. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall
  23. Tischler, Henry L. (2002). Introduction to Sociology. 7th ed. New York: The
    Harcourt Press.

SOC-201 Introduction to Sociology – BBA Course Outline- Lecture 1. SOC-211 course is course offered in BS Programming of University of the Punjab Botany, zology, Mathematics I, Statistics Chemistry, Applied Psychology, Business Administration, Economics, English, Social work, Political Science, History and URDU.

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Author: Habibullah Qamar

Its me Habib Ullah Qamar working as a Lecturer (Computer Sciences) in Pakistan. I have an MS(M.Phil) degree in computer sciences with specialization in software engineering from Virtual University of Pakistan Lahore. I have an experience of more than 15 years in the filed of Computer Science as a teacher. Blog Writing is my passion. I have many blogs, This one is special made with the aim of providing 100% Free online coaching and training to the students of under-graduate and postgraduate classes. Most of the students enrolled in computer sciences, information technology, software engineering and related disciplines find it difficult to understand core concepts of programming and office automation. They find difficult in understanding and solving their assignments.