CS201 Assignment 1 Solution Guideline – Spring 2021. First Assignment has been uploaded and the due date is 20th May 2021. #cs201 #spring2021 #cs201assignment Here is complete CS201 Assignment 1 Solution Guideline – Spring 2021. This time first assignment is based on first 6 lectures. A fully explained video lecture for the solution of CS201 Assignment 1 recently uploaded in LMS for Spring 2021.
CS201 Assignment 1 Solution Guideline – Spring 2021
An expression is given here. You are required to write a C++ program that solves the given mathematical expression. Z = x2 + 2xy – x/y set the values of x = 2 and y = 1 Three main tasks are to be done by each student:- 1. Expression solving 2. Decisions making (if-else structure) 3. Repetition structure (while loop). After evaluation of above expression, you should add the value of z to last digit of your vu id. As a result, 1. If you get an odd number, then you should print your VU id using while loop. This while loop should run as many times as odd number you got from (z+ last digit of your vu id). For example, suppose the value of z is 2 and the student’s id is BC123456781. Then by adding last digit of vu id 1 to value of z, result will be 3 which is an odd number. In this case, program should print your VU ID for 3 times using while loop. 1. If you get an even number, then you should print your Name using while loop. This while loop should run as many times as even number you got from (z+ last digit of your vu id). For example, suppose the value of z is 2 and the student’s id is BC123456782. Then by adding last digit of vu id 2 to the value of z, result will be 4 which is an even number. In this case, program should print your Name for 4 times using while loop.
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