PPSC Lecturer computer Science Solved MCQ’s For Papers 2020

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Computer Science Solved MCQ’s

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PPSC Lecturer computer Science Model and Past Preparation Papers| Recommended Books, where and how to download. For best preparation of PPSC Test for Lecture post of Computer Science, You need to prepare all subjects comprehensively. Tentative List of PPSC Computer Science Syllabus subjects based on PPSC Computer science syllabus and GAT-Subject Computer Science has already been published with details course outline. Now the questions are:

  • What are recommended books for PPSC Lecturer computer Science Syllabus?
  • Where to find or buy these recommended books for Computer science lecture post?
  • How to download the soft copies the recommended books.


It is interesting to note that PPSC Competitive exam syllabus for Computer science and GAT- Subject Computer sciences areas are more than 90% same. Here is the link to SYLLABUS FOR THE SUBJECT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE, list of recommended books and course outline.

Introduction to Computing and Programming Solving Techniques

  1. Computers: Information Technology in Perspective, 9/e by Larry Long and
    Nancy Long. Prentice Hall, 2002/ISBN: 0130929891
  2. An Invitation to Computer Science, Schneider and Gersting, Brooks/Cole
    Thomson Learning, 2000
  3. Computer Science: An overview of Computer Science, Sherer
  4. Programme Design with Pseudo-code, Bailey and Lundgaard, Brooks/Cole
    Publishing, 1988
  5. Simple Programme Design: A step-by-step approach, 4/e, Lesley Anne
    Robertson, ISBN: o-619-16046-2 © 2004.

Computer Communications & Networks and Digital Logic & Computer Architecture

  1. Introduction to Computer Networks, Tanenbaum
  2. Unix Network Programming, Richard Stevens.
  3. Computer networks: a systems approach, Larry Peterson, Bruce Davie,
    Princeton Univ., Princeton.
  4. Digital Design, 2nd Ed., M. Morris Mano, Prentice hall, 1991.
  5. Practical Digital Logic Design and Testing, P. K Lala, Prentice Hall, 1996

Data Structures & Algorithms and Operating Systems

  1. Database Systems, C.J.Date, Addison Wesley Pub. Co. ( 2004).
  2. Database Systems, A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and
    Management. R. Connoly and P. Begg, Addision _Wesley Pub. (2003).
  3. Fundamentals of Database systems, 3/E, Elmasri and Navathe, AddisionWesley, ISBN: 0-201-74153-9
  4. Applied Operating Systems Concepts, 6
    th Edition, Silberschatz A., Peterson,
    J.L., & Galvin P.C. 1998.
  5. Modern Operating Systems, 2nd Edition, Tanenmaum A.S., 2001.

Theory of Automata and Formal Languages.

  1. Introduction to Computer Theory, Denial Cohen, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  2. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation, J Hopcraft, D.
  3. Languages and Machines, An Introduction to the Theory of Comp. Sc., 2/e
    Thomas A Sudkamp, Addison Wesley.

PPSC Lecturer computer Science Syllabus and Preparation 2020 | Recommended Books

List of all recommended book by PPSC for Computer science syllabus

  1. Computers: Tools for an Information Age, 8th Ed. H I Capron, Adison Wesley,
  2. Paul Wilton.
  3. Computer Concepts, 3rd Ed, ITP 1998; J.J.Parsond & D. Oja
  4. Siberschatz. Galvin & Gagne, Operating System Concepts, 6th Ed. 2002. John
    Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 0-471-41743-2.
  5. Tanenbaum. A.S., Modern Operating Systems, 2nd. Ed, 2001.
  6. Deitel & Deitel, C++, How to Program, 4th Ed. Prentice Hall.
  7. Tocci & Widmer, Digital Systems, Principles and Applications, 8th Ed.. Published
    by Pearson Education.
  8. John F. Wakerly, Digital Designs, Principles & Practices, 3rd. Ed. Published by
    Prenice Hall.
  9. M. Morris Mano, Digital Logic & Computer Design, Prentice Hall, 1979, ISBN 0-
  10. Jim Keogh, C++, Programmers Notebook, 2nd Ed.

More Books| Computer Science Solved MCQ’s

  1. Sipser, Introduction to the Theory of Computation, 2nd Ed. Thomson Course
    Technology, 2006.
  2. Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering, 6th Ed. Adison Wesley,2001 12. M. A.
    Weiss, Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C. Pearson Education 2nd Ed.
  3. Elmasri & Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, 4th Ed.
  4. Expert Systems and Applied Artificial Intelligence by Efrain Turban 15. Artificial
    Intelligence by Rich & Knight.
  5. Artificial Intelligence by George F. Luger.
  6. Donald Hearn and M. Pauline Baker. Computer Graphics and Open GL, 3rd Ed.
  7. Foley, Van Dam, Feiner, and Hughes, Computer Graphics Principle & Practices.
  8. Mathematical Structures for Computer Science, Freeman & Company;
  9. Java Script; The Definitive Guide, 2nd Ed, O. Reilly, 1997. D. Flanagan. 21. The
    HTML, Sourcebook, Wiley 1996. I.S. Graham.
  10. Computer Science; An Overview 6th Ed. Addison Wesley, 1998. J.G.

Java & Others | Computer Science Solved MCQ’s

  1. Java; An Object First Approach, Addison Wesley, 1996. F. Culwin.
  2. Web Page Scripting Techniques, Hayden Books,1996. J. Bloomberg, J. Kawski.
    J & P. Treffers.
  3. Kenneth H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its Application, 5th Ed. 2003,
  4. T .H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest, and C.D. Stein, Introduction of
    Algorithms, MIT Press. 2nd Ed. 2001.
  5. Assembly language programming of IBM PC by Ytha Yu and Charles Marut.
    McGraw Hill, 1992.
  6. Saeed Bhatti & Naeem Bhatti, a first course in Numerical Analysis, 4th Ed. 2003.
  7. David A Patterson, John L. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design, 3rd
  8. Hennessy, J.I. & Patterson .D.A., Computer Architecture; A quantitative
    Approach, 2nd Ed. Morgan Kaufmann, 1996.
  9. Introduction to Digital Systems by Ercegovac, Lang & Moreno, Wiley, 1999.
  10. Introduction to Wireless Systems by P.M. Shankar, John Wiley & Sons,2002.
  11. Advanced Digital Designs with the Verling HDL by Michael D. Ciletti. Prentice
    Hall, 2003.

Author: A.J. Bhatti