HTML5 Canvas Rectangle tutorial will guide you about How To draw rectangle using HTML5 Canvas. Step by step code example with live demo using CodePen would explain more easily.
To draw a rectangle on html5 Canvas, We use rect()
This method takes four parameter.
The general form of rect()
is given.
context.rect(xCoordinate,yCoordinate,width, height);
where xCoordinates is x coordinates of starting point of rectangle and yCoordinates is the y Coordinate of starting point of rectangle.
The other parameter of method are width and height of rectangle.Width shows the width of rectangle or x-axis and height show the height of rectangle or y-axis on
The other properties of rect are fillStyle.fillStyle set the color for filling the inner area of rectangle,other attribute for rect is color of outer boundry line of rectangle.It is set by strokeStyle.The strokeStyle property set the color of outer boundry line.The method
draw a out line of rect.
property set the width of outer boundry line of rect.
context has two method for setting properties of rect.
method is used to fill the surface of rect,fillStyle prpoerty set the
color of fill of rect surface.
method draw outline for rect.
property set the color of outline and lineWidth
set the width of outline.
Drawing Recatangle using HTML5 Canvas Complete code example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Drawing rectangle on html5 Canvas</title>
<canvas id ="myCanvas" width ="600" height ="500">
var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var context =canvas.getContext('2d');
context.rect(100, 100, 400, 200);
context.fillStyle = 'yellow';
context.lineWidth = 5;
context.strokeStyle = 'black';
Save this file as
open the file file in browser .you will see the following figure in browser.
Live Demo Drawing rectangle using HTML5 Canvas on codepen
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