How to Install Lua on Windows 10 (lua tutorial)

What is Lua ???

Lua is a powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language. It supports procedural programming, object-oriented programming, functional programming, data-driven programming, and data description.

In this Lua Tutorial we will Learn How to Install Lua on Windows 10 (Lua tutorial)

What is Lua Used For ?? Lua combines simple procedural syntax with powerful data description constructs based on associative arrays and extensible semantics. The Lua Interpreter is dynamically typed, runs by interpreting bytecode with a register-based virtual machine, and has automatic memory management with incremental garbage collection, making it ideal for configuration, scripting, and rapid prototyping.

However Lua Ide |Lua vs Python|Why to Choose Lua Lua has a deserved reputation for performance. To claim to be “as fast as Lua” is an aspiration of other scripting languages. Several benchmarks show Lua as the fastest language in the realm of interpreted scripting languages. Lua is fast not only in fine-tuned benchmark programs, but in real life too. Substantial fractions of large applications have been written in Lua.

Basic Steps (How to install Lua)

There are many simple steps to Download Lua and Install Lua on your Window10……

                                 Lets Start……..

Step 1:How to Install Lua on Windows 10 manually

Firstly, What you have to do is to Open your Browser and Write Lua on the Search Bar……

How to Install Lua on Windows 10 1
How to Install Lua on WIndows 10

Similarly Click on Lua :Getting Started to Download the Lua on your windows 10.

Moreover As you are watching in the figure below.

How to Install Lua on Windows 10 2
How to Install Lua

Similarly Now you will reached to the site from where yo will Install the Lua for your Windows 10

However Above is the Link Address to download Lua

Moreover Below in the Figure you will understand better how it be done.

Similarly A new page of will be open after clicking on the Installing Button.

However On the page you will find
Lua Dist link to download Lua from  Page.

Moreover you will understand by the Figure below

How to Install Lua on Windows 10 4
How to Install Lua

However On the next page you will see the options .

Moreover You have to Select the option which you want as illustrated in the figure below

However As I have Selected the option of Widows

How to Install Lua on WIndows 10 5
How to Install Lua on Windows

Similarly A Popup of Start Download will appear on your Screen

How to Install Lua on Windows 10 6
How to Install Lua

When You Click on the Start Download Button It will start downloading.

A downloading Popup will appear on your screen.

How to Install Lua for Windows 10 7
How to Install Lua

How to Install Lua | Step 2

In the Second Step What we have to do is to download the language .

Write Lua Language on the search bar of your search engine.

Select The Programming Language Lua Link to download the Language of Lua.

You can also use the link

Take a look on the Figure Below

How to install Lua on Windows 10 9
How to Install Lua

Below the context you will see option to download Lua Language in form of Link

On the next Page you have to Click on the binaries Option to Download the binary of Lua

How to Install Lua on Windows 10 11
How to install Lua

A download popup will display on your desktop.

Just Open the Downloaded File of Binaries. As Illustrated Below

How to Install Lua on Windows 10 12
How to Install Lua

Lua Tutorial :Learn how to Install Lua Step 3

Now You have a complete downloaded file of Lua and Lua Binaries.

  • Go to your system Downloads.
  • In Downloads Select the Compressed folder.
  • Unzip the Binaries Folder and extract all the Files .
  • You can see below how it be done.
How to Install Lua on Windows 10 13
How to Install Lua

Above the Binary Folder is Selected and Below is the File Extraction as shown in the figure below.

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How to Install Lua

Now a Popup will be displayed on your screen which will extract the Files from the Folder.

Extraction process popup shown in the figure below

How to Install Lua on Windows 10 15
How to Install Lua

Installing Lua Tutorial| How to Install Lua on Windows 10 : Step 4

After the extraction you will find a extracted folder in the same list like you can see the picture below .

Point To Remember

Now here you have to Change the folder name which contains extracted files or if you dont want to change the folder name no Problem !!!

How to install Lua On Windows 10 17
How to Install Lua

Simply you have to copy the above folder in the C Directory.

Press Ctrl+C to copy the Folder.

How to Install Lua on Windows 10 19
How to Install Lua

Now Click on C Directory and past the copy folder or Press Ctrl+V.

Below the Popup show the process of copying Folder into C Directory

Step by Step Tutorial To Install Lua | Lua Tutorial :Step 5

  • Now Click on Lua Folder.
  • You will see bin Folder Click on it.
  • Now You have to copy the address from this bin
  • How to copy the address is shown in Figure below
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How to Install Lua

Lua Installation Tutorial|How to Install Lua on Windows 10 : Step 5

In the previous step you copied the address

  • Go to you Desktop
  • Right Click on the ThisPc icon on the Desktop
  • You will see the small popup
  • Single Click on Properties Similarly and you are opening the properties of your desktop
  • Click on the Advanced system settings
  • See in Figure
How to Install Lua on Windows 10 23
How to Install Lua

How to Install Lua on Windows 10 :Step 6

After Click on the Advance System Settings A popup of System Properties will display on your Screen

Click on the Environment Variables as shown in the Figure

How to install Lua on Windows 10 24
How to install Lua

After Clicking on Environment Variables A Environmental Variable Popup will be displayed on your Screen

Click on the Path to Select the Path

Click on Edit Button to edit the path as Shown in Figure Below

How to Install Lua on Windows 10 25
How to Install Lua

Now A popup of Edit Environmental Variables will display on your Screen

Click on New Button to Edit /Paste your copied Path

How to install Lua on windows 26
How to install lua

For-instance This could be like this as shown in the picture below when to click on the New Button

Moreover Above in the circle of Picture you have to Paste the copied Address which we copied previously from Bin Folder in this Lua tutorial

How to Install lua on windows 10 27
How to Install Lua

Press the Ok Button to Finish it.


Your Lua Installation on Windows 10 has been Completed Successfully

  • After installing Lua Successfully Most Importantly you should check that either your Lua and Binaries has been installed or not
  • How to check Lua successful installation is describe below

How to Check the Installation of Lua??????Step 7 How to Install Lua on windows 10

  • Go to the Windows Command Prompt
  • You can open it from Start manu / go to windows search and write command prompt
  • Command prompt will be open as shown below in the figure
How to Install  Lua on Windows 10 29
How to Install Lua
  • Open Command prompt from Start
  • Write Lua
  • Press Enter
  • Write Aslam
  • If the system gives you answer as shown in Figure below
  • It means your lua has been Installed Successfully
  • Press Enter
  • As shown Below
How to Install Lua on Windows 10 30
How to Install Lua

Thankyou !!!!

Learn How to install Lua on Windows 10

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Author: A.J. Bhatti

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