Digital Quality Assurance Model | Research Idea

digital quality assurance model

Idea of use of #ICT in education and development a novel #digital quality assurance (QA) model was my #assignment. Similarly quality assurance process and quality assurance methods are integral part of today’s #digital #learning environment. However being the scholar of Information and communication technology , I with him proposed a novel digital quality assurance process model with different steps that may be implemented to achieve better learning objectives. I hope students of research would love this research idea. Moreover this articele will helps you to choose your research idea as it will become your idea for research project.


Today is the age of digital learning with the help of digitization and expert systems in education. Digital learning is any type of learning that is accompanied by technology. The instructional practice that use digital technology effectively is called Digital Learning. It encompasses the broad are of applications and practices including blended and virtual learning Environment. One straight forward example is YouTube educational videos.

Expert System in Education

Expert systems are a well-known area of Artificial Intelligence and have a huge impact in various fields of life. An expert system is a computer application that solves complicated problems that would otherwise require extensive human expertise. To do so, it simulates the human reasoning process by applying specific knowledge and interfaces. Expert systems also use human knowledge to solve problems that normally would require human intelligence. Education system will be revolutionized with the introduction of expert systems in this field

because of the following:

  • Educational planning and decision making ability, manage student records, student counseling, and special education programs;
  • Teacher training and education, specifically, identifying training needs and using computer assisted instruction to teach information and skills
  • Intelligent tutoring systems that guide students through instruction according to their individual strengths and weaknesses.

Expert system are beneficial as a teaching tools because it has equipped with the unique features. These experst system unique features allow users to ask question on how, why and what format.

It is concluded that while expert systems in education have great potential, they remain un-established as a useful technology due to a lack of research and documentation. Literature argues that the concepts and techniques used in the development of expert systems should be expanded and applied to the field of education, particularly in the area of intelligent tutoring systems.

Proposed model : Digital Quality Assurance or Expert Quality Assurance model

digital quality assurance
Quality Assurance Processes

Our proposed digital quality assurance process model will consist of following key and challenging characteristics. the core research idea will be the development of quality assurance model under the umbrella of quality assurance process and quality assurance methods shown in the figure. The integration of digital technology in the process of quality assurance model will ensure and enforce the achievement of the classroom learning objectives and research project idea. This proposed model might be used for Student testing for quality assurance as well.

  • Adaptive learning
  • Hybrid / blended learning
  • Differentiate learning
  • Personalize learning

Proposed Phased of Digital Quality assurance model

  • Traditional Classroom : student will be taught in traditional classes or may be in new environment
  • Computer Quiz: computer quiz with open and close book will be conducted in computerized labs environment which may or may not be the part of expert system.
  • Programmed quiz: Programmed quiz will ask question to every student on the basis of its learning. Programmed quiz will also ask ability as it was done in programmed learning. On the answering write will move forward. Attempts will be ranked and give performance score.
  • Computer Assessment : all assessment will be taken on computer and manual assessments will be entered in the expert systems.
  • Expert Systems groups and recommendations for students and groups (Teacher /traditional using reports) : Expert System will be developed with the quality constraints defined by human experts of education . This system will be capable of assignment quality grades and dividing students into different groups and sections to assure quality for all class students.
  • Differentiate learning: Differentiated instruction and assessment, also known as differentiated learning or, in education, simply, differentiation, is a framework or philosophy for effective teaching that involves providing different students with different avenues to learning. Moreover Student will be taught on the recommendation of expert systems.
  • Personalized learning: Personalized learningindividualized instructionpersonal learning environment and direct instruction all refer to efforts to tailor education to meet the different needs of students.
  • Quality standards conformance with student performance: On the of week, month or term whatever decided by management quality standards will be conformed with Expert system‘s reports.


To assure the qulaity or to make your research idea perfect what you havve to do is to use quality assurance software. Moreover these quality assurance software and quality assurance program must have two modules which helps you to do better and best quality assurance testing.

These modules are:

1:quality assurance tester.

2:quality assurance testing.

You can use these softwares for the digital quality assurence research project. You can also order or develop quality assurance software of your needs for the acheivement of best quality assurance services.

Author: Habibullah Qamar

Its me Habib Ullah Qamar working as a Lecturer (Computer Sciences) in Pakistan. I have an MS(M.Phil) degree in computer sciences with specialization in software engineering from Virtual University of Pakistan Lahore. I have an experience of more than 15 years in the filed of Computer Science as a teacher. Blog Writing is my passion. I have many blogs, This one is special made with the aim of providing 100% Free online coaching and training to the students of under-graduate and postgraduate classes. Most of the students enrolled in computer sciences, information technology, software engineering and related disciplines find it difficult to understand core concepts of programming and office automation. They find difficult in understanding and solving their assignments.