CS101 Final Term Preparation with Short Highlighted Notes Topic 109-125. Generation of Programming languages are being elaborated in these lectures in simple URDU and Hindi Language. In today’s video lecture we will talk about generations of Computer programming languages. We will start with computer programming language generation 1 in which all the programming was done in machine language and machine codes. Then it then it was the power of generation 2 programming language in which mnemonic codes has replaced the machine instructions. In in generation 2 programming languages assembler was introduced which converts the mnemonic codes into machine language instructions and the languages of generation 2 was called assembly programming languages.
CS101 Final Term Preparation – Topic 109 to Topic 125 | Types of Programming Language
We are offering you the best ways for cs101 final term preparation. We have recorded short video lectures of Microsoft word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Access. These videos are free to watch on our official YouTube Channel “TheITeducation.com”. These videos are not recorded for this course CS101 introduction to Computing, but the as per new Scheme and course outline of CS101 Introduction to Computing, but these watch these videos one can get cs101 final term preparation in best way. These CS101 Short videos can be been seen here. Soon we will Publish CS101 Short Notes for download in pdf format. It will be highlighted version and past paper pattern with solved MCqs will be shared soon before VU Final Term exam starting in Feb 2021. Topic-194. MS word: style group 194 Handouts 320.
Topic-111. Machine independence 111 Handouts 194 Topic-112. Imperative paradigm 112 Handouts 195 Topic-113. Declarative paradigm 113 Handouts 197 Topic-114. Functional paradigm 114 Handouts 198 Topic-115. Object oriented paradigm 115 Handouts 200 Topic-116. Variable and data types 116 Handouts 201 Topic-117. Data structure 117 Handouts 203 Topic-118. Assignment statement 118 Handouts 205 Topic-119. Control structure (if-statement) 119 Handouts 206 Topic-120. Control Structures (if-statement examples) 120 Handouts 207 Topic-121. Control structures (loops) 121 Handouts 208 Topic-122. Programming concurrent activities 122 Handouts 209 Topic-123. Arithmetic operators examples 123 Handouts 211 Topic-124. Relational operators examples 124 Handouts 211
CS101 Final Term Preparation – Topic 109 to Topic 125 | Generations of Programming Languages. #CS101 #vu #vushortlectures #vuexams #vuexam #VirtualUniversity
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