Constitution of Pakistan Mcqs Download


Here are New 2021 1973 Constitution 2021 Latest Mcqs / constitution of pakistan 1973 part 2 mcqs Solved with Answers that are free to read and free to download in PDF format. Constitution of pakistan 1973 part 1 mcqs pdf MCQS / constitution of pakistan 1973 part 2 mcqs Solved with Answers are helpful in all kind of Job tests Preparations like CSS, PPSC, FPSC, NTS and other Jobs. However Now a days every job test syllabus from PPSC, FPSC, NTS, WAPDA, PIA and other Government and private mentioned the Pakistan and Current Affairs / constitution of pakistan 1973 part 2 mcqs Solved with Answers Portion ranging from 10-30 Percent in the written test.

1. Islam to be the State religion of Pakistan as provided in Article _ of the Constitution of 1973.





2. According to Article __ Objective Resolution is Substantive Part of the Constitution.





3. To enjoy the protection of the law and to be treated in accordance with the law is the Primary right of _____ .

Muslims only

Minorities only


None of above

4. Loyalty to the ____ is the basic duty of every citizen.


Prime Minister


Chairman Senate

5. No person shall be compelled to do that which the _ does not require him to do.



Prime Minister

Chief Justice

6. Obedience to the Constitution and law is the inviolable obligation of every person living in ___.


Gilgit Baltistan



7. Loyalty to state and obedience to Constitution and law is the basic duty of every citizen of Pakistan and it is provided in _.

Article 5

The Article 6

Article 7

Article 8

8. Any person who abrogates or subverts or suspends or holds in abeyance, or attempts or conspires to abrogate or subvert or suspend or hold in abeyance the constitution shall be guilty of ____.

(High treason)





9. The act of high treason is defined under Article ____ of the Constitution 1973.





10. An act of high treason shall not be validated by ___ .

Supreme Court

High Court

Any Court

None of above

Constitution of Pakistan Mcqs Download

Hence we have started to publish The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973mcqs PDF with Answers for our aspirants of Jobs Test Preparation of Tehsildar, Election Officer, PPSC Job Test and FPSC jobs test in all department of Public and private sectors. Moreover Recently announced Jobs of Election officer, PPSC Tehsildar, Assistant Director Anti Narcotics, Military Accounts Department Senior Auditors and all others announced that Pakistan current affairs MCqs / Constitution of Pakistan 1956 and 1962 and 1973 mcqs will be the part the their Jobs test and written tests. Similarly You can test your knowledge of Pakistan Current affairs 2020 and 2021 / Constitution of Pakistan 1956 and 1962 and 1973 mcq’s by attempting our Free online Quizzes and can download PDF version of These MCQ’s with Answers.

Firstly you can read each mcqs and secondly what you have to do is to read all the mcqs by clicking on the next page then thirdly the final point is quiz to check whether you have learned these MCQs or not .

Author: A.J. Bhatti