VU Admissions Fall 2020 – BS Programs – Schedule, Fee, Criteria, How to Apply. #VU #VirtualUniversity #Fall2020 Virtual University of Pakistan offers admission twice in an academic year namely spring in the month of January/February and fall in the month of August/September each year. Fall 2020 admissions will start on 23rd of August and last date for VU admissions in Fall 2002 for All BS Programs will be 20th September 2020. Admission Schedule – Fall 2020
VU Admissions Fall 2020 – BS Programs – Schedule, Fee
Virtual University of Pakistan will start its fall 2020 admissions from 23rd August 2020. The admissions of fall 2020 will continue until 30th September 2020. If we will admission criteria of virtual University BS programs and we will see that only intermediate with 12 year of education and 45% marks can secure admission in all BS programs of Virtual University of Pakistan Lahore. The last date for Virtual University admissions for fall 2020 is 30th September 2020 but students can take more time if they get late from private virtual campuses of Virtual University of Pakistan Lahore.
There will be no admission and protest for all BS and ADP programs offered for Virtual University of Pakistan. Associate degree programs are two years bachelor degree programs previously known as BA BSc programs in management computer science advanced networking commerce public administration psychology sociology Mass Communication English Mathematics biotechnology zoology. Here is the link of all BS programs offered by Virtual University of Pakistan and admission and calendar and dates to be remembered for Virtual University admissions for fall 2020.
VU Admissions Fall 2020 -How to Apply
Virtual University of Pakistan offers online applications for admissions in any BS programs. How to apply link on official website of Virtual University of Pakistan offers online application submission for admissions in any BS and EDP programs of Virtual University of Pakistan. You just need to create an account with minimum of Information and after Creating your account you can sign in to Virtual University online admission portal in which you can apply online in any BS program and Masters program as well.