PPSC Lecturer Computer Science Test Preparation for PPSC Lecturer Computer Science Jobs 2021-2022

ppsc lecturer computer science jobs 2021- 2022

PPSC Lecturer Computer Science Test Preparation for PPSC Lecturer Computer Science Jobs 2021-2022. PPSC Lecture Computer Science preparation 2021-2022 For Lecturer Computer Science / PPSC Educators Jobs Test Preparation. PPSC Tests is being conducted at Lecture level jobs in Punjab Public Service commission. Computer Subject related tests for the Post of Lecturer Computer Science / PPSC Educators Jobs are composed of all important and core subject areas which were being taught at Intermediate, BA/Bsc and Master’s Level Degree. Hence PPSC Lecturer computer science Jobs 2021 Syllabus for Computer Science Aspirants would cover these key areas. PPSC Competitive exam and its SYLLABUS FOR THE SUBJECT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE optional subject and GAT- Subject Computer sciences areas are more than 90% same. Furthermore, we offer 100% free ppsc test prepation online for lecturer computer science.

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PPSC Lecturer Computer Science Past Papers MCQs | PPSC Past Papers Solved MCQ’s

Post Contents :

1: PPSC Lecturer Computer Science Introduction

2: PPSC Lecturer Computer Science Paper Questions | Preparation | Important Questions

3:PPSC Lecturer computer Science Syllabus and Preparation 2021 | Recommended Books



PPSC Preparation Video Lectures

A highly Qualified Computer Professional Prof Habibullah Qamar who is Serving as Lecturer computer Science in Govt College and Teaching many Computer Professional Courses in many Universities. With these free online videos recorded for PPSC Lecturer computer science preparation on out YouTube Channel your can grasp and cover mostly part of tentative PPSC lecturer Syllabus and also trying to develop the basic concepts regarding to the particular subject.

Get ready yourself for Lecturer Computer Science Test

A complete online video lecture is delivered daily by Professor Habibullah Qamar Which covers one complete or part Topic from the Syllabus or Outline . After the deliverance of Lecture We also arranges an online Quiz From that particular video lectures. It is compulsory for all the members to appear in the quiz.

The Purpose of Online Quiz?

The main purpose of online Quiz is to revise the lecture or making the concepts of Participant strong. We are arranging a Free online Quiz daily from a single lecture consisting of 70 to 80 MCQ’s in which 80 percent MCQ’s are from Subject or Topics which are discussed in the lecture, and 20 Percent MCQ’s are general, basis on the Test Rules and Regulations of PPSC.

Lecture Handouts and Videos

Furthermore, we share Free pdf short notes for PPSC Lecture Computer Science prepartion 2021-2022 for computer science subjects. These handouts, however, are taken from Virtual university of Pakistan but their highlighted version is ready to download in pdf.

PPSC Lecturer Computer Science Test Preparation 2021 | PPSC Educators Jobs Test Preparation 2021

We are going to start a new session for the Preparation of PPSC Lecturer Computer Science 2021 as well as PPSC Educators Jobs Test Preparation 2021.

1:We will provide Live Lectures of Professor Habibullah Qamar which will cover the whole Syllabus

2:Online Test session will be taken for the best preparation of Quizzes and PPSC Lecturer Computer Science Test

3:We will also provide short notes for the best preparation of PPSC Test for the post of Lecturer Computer Science

4:A Large Amount of PPSC Lecturer Computer Science Test Preparation Mcqs Will also be provided by us

5:PPSC Past and Model paper for the post of lecturer Computer science

PPSC Lecturer Computer Science Test Preparation Lecturers

1: Lectures for the preparation of Lecturer Computer Science which will cover whole syllabus and these preparation sessions will cover the whole syllabus of Lecturer Computer Science Test

PPSC Lecturer Computer Science Test Preparation Test Session / Quizes

2: Online Subject wise quizzes / test session will be taken for the preparation of Lecturer Computer Science which will cover whole syllabus and these preparation Quizzes will cover the whole syllabus of Lecturer Computer Science Test

Demo Quiz from object oriented programming

PPSC Lecturer Computer Science Test Preparation Short Notes

3: We are also providing Short Notes for the preparation of Lecturer Computer Science which will cover whole syllabus and helps the aspirants to read directly what they want to read without reading unimportant stuff or facing difficulties in finding the important stuff .Moreover these preparation Quizzes will cover the whole syllabus of Lecturer Computer Science Test

Demo Short Notes

PPSC Lecturer Computer Science Test Preparation Subject Wise Mcqs

4: We are also providing Subject Wise more then 10000 mcqs for the preparation of Lecturer Computer Science which will cover whole syllabus and helps the aspirants to read directly what they want to read without reading unimportant stuff or facing difficulties in finding the important stuff .Moreover these preparation Quizzes will cover the whole syllabus of Lecturer Computer Science Test

Demo Mcqs

PPSC Lecturer Computer Science Test Preparation Past Papers / Model Papers

5: We are also providing Subject Wise more then Past Papers / Model Papers for the preparation of Lecturer Computer Science which will cover whole syllabus and helps the aspirants to read directly what they want to read without reading unimportant stuff or facing difficulties in finding the important stuff .Moreover these preparation Quizzes will cover the whole syllabus of Lecturer Computer Science Test

Demo Mcqs

Note : These are the demo past / model papers of PPSC General Recruitment . PPSC Lecturer Computer Science Past and Model Papers will available soon on this platform

2:PPSC Lecturer Computer Science Paper Questions | Preparation | Important Questions

PPSC Lecturer Computer Science Paper Questions | Preparation | Important Questions. #PPSC #PPSCLecture. Today we will discuss about the important topics from which questions can be set up for the PPSC lecturer Computer Sciences upcoming paper on 8th November 2020. You know that we have predicted tentative PPSC computer science lecturer preparations syllabus on the basis of EPS cpms gate subject computer science syllabus. And we have recorded all PPSC Lecture Computer Science prepartion 2021-2022 lectures videos and sessions for the subject of Computer Sciences.

All important subjects like Database Management System Operating System software engineering get 1 min occasion and network algorithms object oriented programming at 17 are discussed in detail with the help of videos. This is the last PPSC Lecture Computer Science prepartion 2021-2022 session for the subject of computer science lecturer jobs 2020 in which we will try to figure out the important areas and important type of questions that a candidate must be practiced and must know.

PPSC Lecturer computer Science Syllabus and Preparation 2020 | Recommended Books, where and how to download. For best preparation of PPSC Test for Lecture post of Computer Science, You need to prepare all subjects comprehensively. Tentative List of PPSC Computer Science Syllabus subjects based on PPSC Computer science syllabus and GAT-Subject Computer Science has already been published with details course outline. Now the questions are:

  • What are recommended books for PPSC Lecturer computer Science Syllabus?
  • Where to find or buy these recommended books for Computer science lecture post?
  • How to download the soft copies the recommended books.


It is interesting to note that PPSC Competitive exam syllabus for Computer science and GAT- Subject Computer sciences areas are more than 90% same. Here is the link to SYLLABUS FOR THE SUBJECT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE, list of recommended books and course outline.

Introduction to Computing and Programming Solving Techniques

  1. Computers: Information Technology in Perspective, 9/e by Larry Long and
    Nancy Long. Prentice Hall, 2002/ISBN: 0130929891
  2. An Invitation to Computer Science, Schneider and Gersting, Brooks/Cole
    Thomson Learning, 2000
  3. Computer Science: An overview of Computer Science, Sherer
  4. Programme Design with Pseudo-code, Bailey and Lundgaard, Brooks/Cole
    Publishing, 1988
  5. Simple Programme Design: A step-by-step approach, 4/e, Lesley Anne
    Robertson, ISBN: o-619-16046-2 © 2004.

Computer Communications & Networks and Digital Logic & Computer Architecture

  1. Introduction to Computer Networks, Tanenbaum
  2. Unix Network Programming, Richard Stevens.
  3. Computer networks: a systems approach, Larry Peterson, Bruce Davie,
    Princeton Univ., Princeton.
  4. Digital Design, 2nd Ed., M. Morris Mano, Prentice hall, 1991.
  5. Practical Digital Logic Design and Testing, P. K Lala, Prentice Hall, 1996

Data Structures & Algorithms and Operating Systems

  1. Database Systems, C.J.Date, Addison Wesley Pub. Co. ( 2004).
  2. Database Systems, A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and
    Management. R. Connoly and P. Begg, Addision _Wesley Pub. (2003).
  3. Fundamentals of Database systems, 3/E, Elmasri and Navathe, AddisionWesley, ISBN: 0-201-74153-9
  4. Applied Operating Systems Concepts, 6
    th Edition, Silberschatz A., Peterson,
    J.L., & Galvin P.C. 1998.
  5. Modern Operating Systems, 2nd Edition, Tanenmaum A.S., 2001.

Theory of Automata and Formal Languages.

  1. Introduction to Computer Theory, Denial Cohen, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  2. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation, J Hopcraft, D.
  3. Languages and Machines, An Introduction to the Theory of Comp. Sc., 2/e
    Thomas A Sudkamp, Addison Wesley.
  1. Computers: Tools for an Information Age, 8th Ed. H I Capron, Adison Wesley,
  2. Paul Wilton.
  3. Computer Concepts, 3rd Ed, ITP 1998; J.J.Parsond & D. Oja
  4. Siberschatz. Galvin & Gagne, Operating System Concepts, 6th Ed. 2002. John
    Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 0-471-41743-2.
  5. Tanenbaum. A.S., Modern Operating Systems, 2nd. Ed, 2001.
  6. Deitel & Deitel, C++, How to Program, 4th Ed. Prentice Hall.
  7. Tocci & Widmer, Digital Systems, Principles and Applications, 8th Ed.. Published
    by Pearson Education.
  8. John F. Wakerly, Digital Designs, Principles & Practices, 3rd. Ed. Published by
    Prenice Hall.
  9. M. Morris Mano, Digital Logic & Computer Design, Prentice Hall, 1979, ISBN 0-
  10. Jim Keogh, C++, Programmers Notebook, 2nd Ed.
  11. Sipser, Introduction to the Theory of Computation, 2nd Ed. Thomson Course
    Technology, 2006.
  12. Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering, 6th Ed. Adison Wesley,2001 12. M. A.
    Weiss, Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C. Pearson Education 2nd Ed.
  13. Elmasri & Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, 4th Ed.
  14. Expert Systems and Applied Artificial Intelligence by Efrain Turban 15. Artificial
    Intelligence by Rich & Knight.
  15. Artificial Intelligence by George F. Luger.
  16. Donald Hearn and M. Pauline Baker. Computer Graphics and Open GL, 3rd Ed.
  17. Foley, Van Dam, Feiner, and Hughes, Computer Graphics Principle & Practices.
  18. Mathematical Structures for Computer Science, Freeman & Company;
  19. Java Script; The Definitive Guide, 2nd Ed, O. Reilly, 1997. D. Flanagan. 21. The
    HTML, Sourcebook, Wiley 1996. I.S. Graham.
  20. Computer Science; An Overview 6th Ed. Addison Wesley, 1998. J.G.
  21. Java; An Object First Approach, Addison Wesley, 1996. F. Culwin.
  22. Web Page Scripting Techniques, Hayden Books,1996. J. Bloomberg, J. Kawski.
    J & P. Treffers.
  23. Kenneth H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its Application, 5th Ed. 2003,
  24. T .H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest, and C.D. Stein, Introduction of
    Algorithms, MIT Press. 2nd Ed. 2001.
  25. Assembly language programming of IBM PC by Ytha Yu and Charles Marut.
    McGraw Hill, 1992.
  26. Saeed Bhatti & Naeem Bhatti, a first course in Numerical Analysis, 4th Ed. 2003.
  27. David A Patterson, John L. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design, 3rd
  28. Hennessy, J.I. & Patterson .D.A., Computer Architecture; A quantitative
    Approach, 2nd Ed. Morgan Kaufmann, 1996.
  29. Introduction to Digital Systems by Ercegovac, Lang & Moreno, Wiley, 1999.
  30. Introduction to Wireless Systems by P.M. Shankar, John Wiley & Sons,2002.
  31. Advanced Digital Designs with the Verling HDL by Michael D. Ciletti. Prentice
    Hall, 2003.


Introduction to Computing : Number Systems, Binary numbers, Boolean logic, History Computer system, basic machine organization, Von Neumann Architecture, Algorithm definition, design, and implementation, Programming paradigms and Languages, Graphical programming, Overview of Software Engineering and Information Technology, Operating system, Compiler, Computer networks and Internet, Computer graphics, Al, Social and legal issues.

Programming Solving Techniques : Algorithms and problem solving, development of basic Algorithms, analyzing problem, designing solution, testing designed solution, fundamental programming constructs, translation of algorithms to programmes, data types, control structures, functions, arrays, records, files, testing programmes. C++ or Java Based Questions.

Computer Communications & Networks :Analogue and digital Transmission, Noise, Media, Encoding, Asynchronous and Synchronous transmission, Protocol design issues, Network System architecture (OSI, TCP/IP), Error control, Flow Control, Data Link Protocols (HDLC,PPP). Local Area Networks and MAC Layer protocols (Ethernet, Token ring), Multiplexing, Switching and IP Networks, Internetworking, Routing, Bridging, Transport layer protocols TCP/IP, UDP. Network security issues, Programming exercises or projects involving implementation of protocols at different layers.

Digital Logic & Computer Architecture : Logic design of Digital Systems, Fundamental and advanced concepts of Logic Designs, Boolean Algebra & functions, Designing and implementation of combinational and Sequential logic, minimization techniques, number representation and basic binary arithmetic Logic families and digital integrated circuits, use of CAD tools for logic designs. Topics of Computer Architecture.

Data Structures & Algorithms : Basic database concepts; Entity Relationship modeling, Relational data model and algebra, Structured Query Language, RDBMS, Database design, functional dependencies and normal forms, Transaction processing and optimization concepts, concurrency control and recovery techniques, Database recovery techniques, Database security and authorization, Small Group Project implementing a database, Physical database design. Storage and file structure, indexed files, hashed files, signature files, b-trees, files with dense index, file with variable length records, database efficiency and tuning.

Operating Systems : History and Goals, Evolution of multi-user systems, Process and CPU management, Multithreding, Kernel and User Modes, Protection, Problems of cooperative processes, Synchronization, Deadlocks, Memory management and virtual memory, Relocation, External Fragmentation, Paging and Demand Paging, Secondary storage, Security and Protection, File systems, I/O systems, Introduction to distributed operating systems. Scheduling, dispatch and Introduction to concurrency.

Theory of Automata and Formal Languages : Finite State Models: Language definitions preliminaries, Regular expressions/Regular languages, Finite automatas (FAs), Transition graphs (TGs),NF As, kleene’s theorem, Transducers (automata with output), Pumping lemma and non regular language Grammars and PDA: Context free grammars, Derivations, derivation trees and ambiguity, Simplifying CFLs , Normal form grammars and parsing, Push-down Automata, Pumping lemma and non-context free languages, Decidability, Chomsky’s hierarchy of grammars, Turing Machines Theory: Turing machines, Post machine, Variations on 1M, 1M encoding, Universal Turing Machine, Context sensitive Grammars, Defining Computers by TMs.

Numerical Methods : Mathematical Preliminaries, Solution of Equations in one variable, Interpolation and Polynomial Approximation, Numerical Differentiation and Integration, Initial Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations, Direct Methods for Solving Linear Systems, Iterative Techniques in Matrix Algebra, Solution of non-linear equations, Approximation Theory, Eigenvalues and Eigenvector computation.

Data Base Systems : Basic database concepts, Entity Relationship modelling, Relational data model and algebra, Structured Query language, RDBMS; Database design, functional dependencies and normal forms, Transaction processing and optimization concepts, concurrency control and recovery techniques, Database recovery techniques, Database security and authorization. Small Group Project implementing a database. Physical database design: Storage and file structure, indexed files, hashed files, signature files, b-trees, files with dense index, files with variable length records, database efficiency and tuning Data Warehousing and Data Mining, Emerging Database Technologies and Applications.

Software Engineering : Software Engineering, Process Models, Software verification and validation. Techniques are introduced to evaluate software correctness, efficiency, performance and reliability, integration of these techniques into a verification and validation plan. Technical reviews, software testing, programme verification, prototyping, and requirement tracing. Attitude of industry toward reliability and performance.

Artificial Intelligence : Introduction to Common Lisp. AI classical systems: General Problem Solver, rules, simple search, means-ends analysis. ElIZA, pattern matching, rule based translators, OPS-5. Knowledge Representation: Natural language, rules, productions, predicate logic, semantic networks, frames, objects, scripts. Searching, Depth first search, breadth first search, best first search, hill climbing, min-max search. Symbolic Mathematics: student solving algebra problems, translating English equations, solving algebraic equations, simplification rules, rewrite rules, meta-rules, Macsyma, PRESS, ATLAS. Logic Programming: Resolution, unification, horn-clause logic, Prolog, Prolog programming. Sample case studies of shells and Knowledge Based Systems. A brief appreciation of state of the art computational techniques like neural networks, genetic algorithm, fuzzy sets.

Computer Graphics : Graphics hardware, Fundamental algorithms, Applications of graphics. Interactive graphics programming -graph plotting, windows and clipping, and segmentation. Programming raster display systems, panning and zooming. Raster algorithms and software Scan-Converting lines, characters and circles. Region filling and clipping. Two and three dimensional imaging geometry and transformations. Curve and surface design, rendering, shading, colour and animation.

GAT- Computer Science core subjects and curriculum

Computer Science
Sr. No.Core AreasPercentage
1.Computer and Programming Fundamentals06%
2.Object Oriented Paradigm05%
3.Discrete Structures05%
4.Data Structures and Algorithms09%
5.Digital Logic and Computer Organization06%
6.Operating Systems06%
7.Database Systems07%
8.Software Engineering & Development05%
9.Computer Communication and Networks06%
10.Computer Architecture & Assembly Language08%
11.Theory of Automata and Formal Languages10%
12.Analysis of Algorithms10%
13.Artificial Intelligence07%
14.System Programming05%
15.Numerical Computing05%

PPSC Lecturer Computer Science Syllabus and Test Pattern

Ppsc did not issued lecturer computer Science syllabus. We are predicting this as tentative ppsc lecturer computer science syllabus by self intuition. There is a test of 100 marks which is later halved ie the marks obtained from 50 marks are counted instead of 100. For example if you have obtained 60 marks out of 100 in the test then out of your 50 marks. There will be 30 counts. The test consists of 100 MCQs (80 of the article and 20 of the General Knowledge etc.). One number is given for a correct answer while 0.25 is given for a wrong answer.
You are called for an interview based on your performance in the test. 5 times more candidates are called for interview than the number of seats in an article. Suppose if there are 80 seats in Physics then the above 400 = (80 × 5) candidates will be called for interview based on the test result. The final candidate’s mark will be this year’s closing merit.
The interview is numbered 100. It has a minimum of three and a maximum of four people, including a ppsc representative, two related subjects and a psychologist. Sometimes a psychologist does not.

Start Test Preparation For Compter Science Online

TheITeducation helping aspirants of Lecturer Comouter sciences in their ppsc lecturer preparation. Daily Online lectures on YouTube channel “TheITeducation” well as short psd notes. Additionally, Daily Online qyize based on Solved Mcqs is cobduted. Students are given online lecture first, secondly provided ppsc computer science pdf notes and then online quize with answers. Get started right now.

GAT Computer Science Syllabus

Computer Science (Detailed)
Sr. No.Core AreasPercentage
Overview of computers and programming.Overview of language.Basics of structured and Modular programming.Basic Algorithms and problem solving, development of basic algorithms, analyzing problem, designing solution, testing designed solution. Fundamental programming constructs, translation of algorithms to programmes, data types, control structures, functions, arrays, records, files, testing programmes.  
Evolution of Object Oriented (OO) programming, OO concepts and principles, problem solving in OO paradigm, OO programme design process, classes, methods, objects and encapsulation; constructors and destructors, operator and function overloading, virtual functions, derived classes, inheritance and polymorphism. I/O and file processing, exception handling.  

Introduction to logic and proofs: Direct proofs; proof by contradiction, Sets, Combinatronics,  Sequences, Formal logic, Prepositional and predicate calculus, Methods of Proof, Mathematical Induction and Recursion, loop invariants, Relations and functions, Pigeonhole principle, Trees and Graphs, Elementary number theory, Optimization and matching. Fundamental structures: Functions; relations (more specifically recursions); pigeonhole principle; cardinality and countability, probabilistic methods.  
4.  DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS:   Introduction to data structures; Arrays, Stacks, Queues, Priority Queues, Linked Lists, Trees, Spanning Trees, Graphs and Traversals. Recursion, sorting and searching algorithms, Shortest path algorithms, Hashing, Storage and retrieval properties and techniques for the various data structures. Algorithm Complexity, Polynomial and Intractable Algorithms, Classes of Efficient Algorithms, Divide and Conquer, Dynamic, Greedy9%
5.  DIGITAL LOGIC AND COMPUTER ORGANIZATION:   5.1 Digital Logic_______________________________________3% Overview of Binary Numbers, Boolean Algebra, switching algebra, and logic gates, Karnaugh Map and Quin-McCluskey methods, simplification of Boolean functions, Combinational Design; two level NAND/NOR implementation, Tabular Minimization, Combinational Logic Design: adders, subtracters, code converters, parity checkers, multilevel NAND/NOR/XOR circuits, MSI Components, design and use of encoders, decoders, multiplexers, BCD adders, and comparators, Latches and flip-flops, Synchronous sequential circuit design and analysis, Registers, synchronous and asynchronous counters, and memories, Control Logic Design.   5.2 Computer Organiztion________________________________3% Fundamentals of Computer Designincluding performance measurements & quantitative principles, principles of Instruction Set Design, Operands, addressing modes and encoding, pipelining of Processors: Issues and Hurdles, exception handling features, Instruction-Level Parallelism and Dynamic handling of Exceptions, Memory Hierarchy Design, Cache Design, Performance Issues and improvements, Main Memory Performance Issues, Storage Systems, Multiprocessors and Thread Level Parallelism.6%

History and Goals, Evolution of multi-user systems, Process and CPU management, Multithreading, Kernel and User Modes, Protection, Problems of cooperative processes, Synchronization, Deadlocks, Memory management and virtual memory, Relocation, External Fragmentation, Paging and Demand Paging, Secondary storage, Security and Protection, File systems, I/O systems, Introduction to distributed operating systems. Scheduling and dispatch, Introduction to concurrency.  

Author: A.J. Bhatti