Premiere Global Services is a brand communication firm and its headquarter is situated in Atlanta, GA that provides communication like audio ,video conferences,webinars and collaboration solutions in the form of Global Meet.
Global Meet connects people and allow them to meet with each other and discuss their problems and resolve their issues. By using Global meet you are able to arrange a meeting as well as join any meeting speedily and after entering in any meeting you can also rejoin it.
How to SET UP GlobalMeet |Step 1
- First we have to Download GlobalMeet on Windows 10 .
- What you have to do is to simply write GlobalMeet on Windows 10 or GlobalMeet Download on your Internet Explorers search engine
- Then click on the very First link to Download GlobalMeet.
- Let see the Figure below to understand it better….

By using the link given below you will able to download GlobalMeet directly
GlobalMeet Installation | Step 2
Similarly When your Download of GlobalMeet will be completed then you just have to go in your PC Downloads Folder
Double Click => This Pc => Click =>Downloads =>Click on GlobalMeet Exe File .
Moreover you will better under stand through the picture seen below…

After the completion of installation process GlobalMeet automatically starts
as shown in the figure below

After completing installing process three training steps will display on your screen
Its your will Whether if you want to read these steps or if you want to skip them.
As seen in the Figure Below

Click on Continue Button to read next Tip

Again Click on the Continue button to see the third tip

In The Next Step what you have to do is to Agree with the cookies agreement by Clicking on Agree Button
As shown in the figure below

However A Sign In wizard will be open on your screen in which you have to enter your registered email or Client Id
Moreover If you didn’t registered yourself then First you have to registered yourself .
However Figure 1.9 will illustrate it better

Similarly now you have to provide your registered id and password
However Now enter your Password and Click on Sign in Button
as shown in the Figure below

Moreover now you are signed in with your GlobleMeet Id
Similarly after signing in You are able to conduct meeting,Invite Friend,Manage your profile ,contacts and all other GlobleMeet Features
Much-more you can better understand by sighting the figure below

Congratulations!!!!! Your GlobleMeet is installed successfully …
Frequently Ask Questions FAQ’s
Q 1: How do I use GlobalMeet?
Ans:There is no rocket science in using GlobalMeet Simply what you have to do is to install it and register your self.After registering your self you are free to schedule ,join any your office. home,relative meeting and you are also free to share screen and files.
Q 2: How do I schedule a meeting on GlobalMeet?
Ans:It is much simple and very easy to schedule a meeting what you have to do is to simply click on schedule button and set up all credentials like time of meeting, Day of meeting, Participants of Meeting and Name of Meeting.
Q3:Who owns GlobalMeet?
Ans:Premier Global Services a brand in communication industry of world owns Global meet.
Q4: Is global meet free?
Ans:To some extant global meet is free like you can host 100 people for 360 minutes on GlobalMeet free.
Global Meet Price Starts From 12$ per month
price will increase by increasing the limit of your package
Q5:How the work will done during Lockdown??
A:Just install GlobalMeet app and build your GlobalMeet/ready Talk account and after GlobalMeet login go outside meet with your friends and colleagues virtually.
Q6: Can you join a GlobalMeet meeting by phone ?
A: yes
Q7: Is GlobalMeet safe to download
Learn How to Install will also tells you how to use GlobleMeet and hopes That you enjoyed this article please provide us your response in the comment section …..
How to Setup GlobalMeet for Desktop
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