How to Install Android Studio Latest Version

The Article How to Install Android Studio Latest Version determines you the overview of Android Studio Latest Version and also provides you the Step by Step guide how to Download ,as well as How to Install Android Studio Latest Version For Windows 10.

Over View

Android Studio is the official integrated development environment (IDE) for Google’s Android operating system, built on JetBrains’ IntelliJ IDEA software and designed specifically for Android development. It is available for download on Windows, macOS and Linux based operating systems. It is a replacement for the Eclipse Android Development Tools (ADT) as the primary IDE for native Android application development.


Android Studio was announced on May 16, 2013 at the Google I/O conference. It was in early access preview stage starting from version 0.1 in May 2013, then entered beta stage starting from version 0.8 which was released in June 2014.The first stable build was released in December 2014, starting from version 1.0.

Since May 7, 2019, Kotlin is Google’s preferred language for Android app development. Still, other programming languages are supported by Android Studio, such as Java and C++.


The following features are provided in the current stable version:

  • Gradle-based build support
  • Android-specific refactoring and quick fixes
  • Lint tools to catch performance, usability, version compatibility and other problems
  • ProGuard integration and app-signing capabilities
  • Template-based wizards to create common Android designs and components
  • A rich layout editor that allows users to drag-and-drop UI components, option to preview layouts on multiple screen configurations
  • Support for building Android Wear apps
  • Built-in support for Google Cloud Platform, enabling integration with Firebase Cloud Messaging (Earlier ‘Google Cloud Messaging’) and Google App Engine
  • Android Virtual Device (Emulator) to run and debug apps in the Android studio.

How to Install Android-Studio LatestVersion|Step 1

  • First we have to Download Android Studio Latest Version .
  • What you have to do is to simply write Android Studio Latest Version or Android Studio Download on your Internet Explorers search engine.
  • Then click in the very First link to Download Android Studio Latest Version .
  • Let see the Figure below to understand it better….

Figure 1.1| How to Install AndroidStudio Latest Version

Figure 1.1| How to Install Android Studio Latest Version
Figure 1.1| How to Install AndroidStudio Latest Version

How to Install AndroidStudio Latest Version| Figure 1.2

How to Install Android Studio Latest Version| Figure 1.2
How to Install AndroidStudio Latest Version| Figure 1.2

More-over If you want to Download Android Studio Latest Version Directly

You may use this Link to download Android Studio Latest Version

By using this link you will able to download Android Studio Latest Version directly as shown in figure below

Download AndroidStudio Latest Version

How to Install AndroidStudio Latest Version|Step 2

Moreover When your Download of Android Studio Latest Version will be completed then you just have to go in your PC Downloads Folder

Double Click => This Pc => Click =>Downloads =>Click on Android Studio Latest Version Exe File .

However you will better under stand through the picture seen below…

Figure 1.3|How to Install AndroidStudio Latest Version

Figure 1.3|How to Install Android Studio Latest Version
Figure 1.3|How to Install AndroidStudio Latest Version

Similarly the Installation process or System will Start extracting files of Android Studio and Starts Loading The Setup Of Android Studio

Figure 1.4 illustrate it better

How to Install AndroidStudio Latest Version|Figure 1.4

How to Install Android Studio Latest Version|Figure 1.4
How to Install AndroidStudio Latest Version|Figure 1.4

Similarly Now a Welcome Message Wizard will Display on your Screen With Small Android Studio Introduction.

How Ever What You Have to Do is To Click on The Next Button To Continue the installation process of Android Studio Latest Version.

As Shown In the Figure Below

Figure 1.4|How to Install AndroidStudio Latest Version

Figure 1.4|How to Install Android Studio Latest Version
Figure 1.4|How to Install AndroidStudio Latest Version

How to Install AndroidStudio Latest Version|Step 3

In This Step The installation process of Learn How to Install How to Install Android Studio Latest Version show you its Components Selection Window which provides you many option ..

  • If you want to select some or one or two Components of How to Install Android Studio Latest Version you will Select these components by Clicking on the CheckBox associated with the particular Components.
  • Here you are free to Select only those features you want in the installation process of how to Install How to Install Android Studio Latest Version.
  • As shown in the figure below……..

How to Install Android Studio Latest Version|Figure 1.5

How to Install AndroidStudio Latest Version|Figure 1.5

Much-more What you have to do now is to agree with the License Agreement.

Now the Installation Process will ask you about the license agreement which you have to agreed upon it BY CLICKING ON ACCEPT BUTTON.

As shown in the Figure 1.6 Below

Figure 1.6|How to Install Android Studio Latest Version

Figure 1.6|How to Install Android Studio Latest Version
Figure 1.6|How to Install AndroidStudio Latest Version

Similarly Now the Installation Process will ask you about the location of Installation!!

More Over In other Words Where you want to Install Android Studio Latest Version The Default Location is C Directory and if you want to change the location or you want that your installation will proceed in Other Directory Like in “D” or “E” then You will Change it In this Step Of How to install Android Studio Latest Version.

One More Thing if you want to change the SDK Installation location then you also have the option the change the SDK Installation Location

Figure 1.7 ,1.8 and 1.9 will illustrate you better

How to Install Android Studio Latest Version|Figure 1.7

How to Install Android Studio Latest Version|Figure 1.7
How to Install AndroidStudio Latest Version|Figure 1.7

Now if You want to change the installation Location Sight the figures below to understand better

Click on Browse Button

Figure 1.8|How to Install Android Studio Latest Version

Figure 1.8|How to Install Android Studio Latest Version
Figure 1.8|How to Install AndroidStudio Latest Version

Now a wizard with other locations display on your screen what you have to do is to Select the Location in which you want to Install your Android Studio

Select the Folder by Clicking on it .

After Selecting Location Click Next to Continue the Installation of Android Studio.

Let See Figure 1.9 and 2.0 Below

How to Install Android Studio Latest Version|Figure 1.9

How to Install Android Studio Latest Version|Figure 1.9
How to Install AndroidStudio Latest Version|Figure 1.9

Figure 2.0|How to Install Android Studio Latest Version

Figure 2.0|How to Install Android Studio Latest Version
Figure 2.0|How to Install AndroidStudio Latest Version

Similarly If you want to change the SDK Installation Location Same as previous process will be done to change the SDK Location.

However The Installation Process will Now take Final Permission from you to install the Android Studio Latest Version

More Over what You have to Do is to Simply Click on the install Button To continue the installation Process of Android Studio Latest Version.

As Shown in the Figure

How to Install Android Studio Latest Version|Figure 2.1

How to Install AndroidStudio Latest Version|Figure 2.1

At Last your proper Installation of Android Studio Latest Version Has Been Started Successfully.

As Shown in the Figure 2.2 Below

How to Install Android Studio Latest Version|Figure 2.2

How to Install Android Studio Latest Version|Figure 2.2
How to Install AndroidStudio Latest Version|Figure 2.2

Much-more after the completion of installation process simply what you have to do is to click on the Next button the Finish the the installation process.

Figure 2.3 Illustrate you Better

How to Install Android Studio Latest Version|Figure 2.3

How to Install AndroidStudio Latest Version|Figure 2.3

Now your Android Studio Latest Version For Windows 10 will starts automatically after the installation is done

Figure 2.4|How to Install Android Studio Latest Version

Figure 2.4|How to Install Android Studio Latest Version
Figure 2.4|How to Install AndroidStudio Latest Version

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Author: A.J. Bhatti