FPSC Senior Auditor Test Preparation, Syllabus Pattern, Sample Past Papers, Preparation Book PDF 2021


FPSC Senior Auditor Test Preparation, Syllabus, Pattern, Sample Past Papers, Preparation Book PDF GUIDE | FPSC has announced 407 jobs for the post of senior Auditor in in Pakistan military accounts department under ministry of defense through their advertisement in January 2021. Tentative date for Test would be August 2021. We are offering FPSC senior editor jobs preparations. We have already provided jobs test preparation for the post of junior clerk, tahsildar and Naib tahsildar and Election Officer jobs previously. First of all we would like to to introduce about FPSC senior auditor test preparation syllabus which consists on 20% English grammar and sentence structure and 80% from Professional test comprised of of following basic accounts and auditing skills. Test Preparation books in pdf and guide will be uploaded soon for paid trainees with solved mcqs.

FPSC Senior Auditor Test Preparation 2021 Syllabus and Pattern

We have not found any official announcement on FPSC website about the syllabus of Senior Auditor Test preparation 2021. but the written test conducted in 2017 and 2020, It is apparent that syllabus would be consist on following key topics. We will provide a detail PDF Guide with Solved MCQs and Answers with Online Quizzes in Future though our LMS so that the preparation can be done with the help of these past papers and previous syllabus mentioned.

Accounting Principles and Procedures. FPSC Senior Auditor test preparation will start from the basic accounting principle and procedures knowledge land in in intermediate graduation classes. As per past paper pattern and syllabus for the tests conducted in 2017 and 2020. Paper will include accounting principles and procedures MCQs pa written test off ftse senior auditor jobs 2021. Following key topics of accounting principle and procedures for written test preparation of HPSC senior auditor jobs e would be as under:

  • Scrutiny of Record Audit Purpose
  • Journal , Ledger and Cash Book
  • Journal, Ledger and Cash Book

Annual Budgeting

Second part of fbs test preparation fast paper as per the syllabus is to prepare the knowledge and concepts about annual budgeting. This is another path from which important part and number of MCQs might be included in the upcoming written test of SPS senior auditor jobs 2021.

  • Here are some other important topics of accounting and auditing which must be learnt by the experience of FPSC senior auditor jobs 2021 for their written test preparation to be e conducted before August 2021. An
  • Adjustment & Depreciation
  • Financial Planning and Cost Accounting
  • Heads of Accounts, Re appropriation of Accounts and Supplementary Grant
  • Settlement of Audit Objections
  • Preparation of Pension Documents
  • Public Procurement Rules 2004 :Senior Auditor test will also include MCQs related to Public Procurement Rules 2004 of Federal and Provincial and Governments. MCQs about public procurement rules 2004 was included in the past papers of FPSC senior auditor conducted in 2017 and 2020. E e and it must be fully prepared what are the basic rules of Public procurement and how procurement procedure in government and Federal government Agencies is being carried out.

Paper pattern

Written test of 100 MCQs was conducted in 2017 and 2020 for the post of FPSC senior editor jobs. Hence it could be expected that the same pattern will be adopted in SPC senior auditing written test in 2021 for Pakistan military accounts under ministry of defence. As practiced in the past papers of FPSC senior editor jobs. 20% questions were from English grammar and sentence structure and 80% questions work composed from Accounting Principles, auditing principles, procurement principles, pension documents and other accounting and auditing related skills which are mentioned about.

FPSC Senior Auditor Past Paper Sample 2017

Here the sample past paper available online on different social media and websites conducted by Federal Public Service Commission for the post of senior Auditor in 2017. You can see that total hundred MCQs were asked in this paper comprising of English and professional test mCQs from accounting skills and procedures. This Sample test paper is freely available online in PDF format which can be downloaded. Ad this is totally our own into Asian that the current paper pattern and written test for the post of senior editor dates 2021 may be conducted in the same pattern adopted in 2017 and 2021. Once again it is to remind that we have found no official announcement of syllabus for front advertisement and front written test announced by FPSC for the post of senior auditor 2021.


Author: Habibullah Qamar

Its me Habib Ullah Qamar working as a Lecturer (Computer Sciences) in Pakistan. I have an MS(M.Phil) degree in computer sciences with specialization in software engineering from Virtual University of Pakistan Lahore. I have an experience of more than 15 years in the filed of Computer Science as a teacher. Blog Writing is my passion. I have many blogs, This one is special made with the aim of providing 100% Free online coaching and training to the students of under-graduate and postgraduate classes. Most of the students enrolled in computer sciences, information technology, software engineering and related disciplines find it difficult to understand core concepts of programming and office automation. They find difficult in understanding and solving their assignments.