ANF Anti Narcotics Notes for Job Test preparation 2021

ANF Anti Narcotics jobs 2021 Short Notes - Act 1997 urdu free downloads

Ministry of Interior and narcotics control, government of Pakistan under anti narcotics force has announced many jobs of inspector, Sub Inspector ,steno-typist, assistant Sub Inspector (ASI), data entry operator and other related jobs 2021. Here is a complete recruitment test guide including the MCQ questions with selection procedure and information about ANF anti narcotics force jobs 2021. In this guide you will see what is the selection procedure of anti narcotics force, how to register for abovementioned jobs in anti narcotics Force for the year 2021, 12 what is their registration and test fee for these jobs and how to fill the registration form including information about anti narcotics force.

ANF Anti Narcotics Force jobs Recruitment Guide

All written test preparations of anti narcotic force jobs 2021 include the subject of English Islamic Studies Pakistan Studies computer and information technology skills with general knowledge MCQs and job related MCQs. In this guide all miscellaneous and seek use with fully solved past papers of anti narcotics jobs 2021 for the post of assistant director anti narcotics data entry operators sub Inspector and other ANF related jobs are mentioned.

Anti Narcotics Force Test Syllabus and Sample Paper Type

Written paper will be conducted for all types of anti narcotics jobs 2021. Written paper includes MCQs based questions including the following syllabus. As we can see that all enough anti narcotics force jobs 20 21 include the following subjects including computer English Urdu current affairs and general size portion in 8 Pakistan study and Islamic Studies also. You can download Hare all the recruitment guide which includes the NF 9 anti narcotics jobs recruitment test guideline and solved MCQs of all above mentioned subjects including English Pakistan study Islamic studies.

ContentsWeight ages %
Current Affairs10
General Science15

You can also download ANF narcotics act 1997 in Urdu version which will be helpful in preparing the alkynes of ANF anti narcotics force jobs tests and getting the best preparation for these exams which might be conducted online or offline.

Author: A.J. Bhatti